Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Inka Palm

Germany / Berlin

One of my main passions is to create a space where people can be together to be themselves and connect with their essence as well as with other people in a very natural and creative way. I feel with the International People's Theatre Berlin - this space is established and flourishing. We offer a home for creatives from all over the world and it simply fills me with gratitude and joy to be able to host such a wonderful project. It is very touching to accompany people when they are most natural and creative and when something extraordinary like a performance is the end result. Along with building new friendships that might last another lifetime - creating something together and doining theatre together is a very special and strong bond in my experience.
As a trained drama educator, actress, singer and mover I spent years and years discovering the world via body, movement & emotional search. Exploring & expressing the connection between me & the world through art seemed to be the most appropriate way. Relations in Space, the discussions about form and content in art….
The way I work combines light and easy drama games to lighten the encounters and encourage people with and without stage experience to become comfortable and then slowly lead into basic physical steps of dramatic expression, using a combination of different acting methods. My current favourite is the very precise physical art of acting taught by Jaques Lecoq – integrating animal studies, children studies and mask play and turn it into a usable way of instantly facilitating it for your improvisations on stage. Precision and the moments of silence are heart matters. In my opinion, listening is the core competence of every actor and human being. And since real human qualities and encounters are the most interesting on stage. This is my main focus.

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