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Kampagne, um 30 Frauen in unserem Team für das ganze Jahr 2023 dauerhafte Chancen zu bieten.

Das Projekt dient zur Stärkung unserer lokalen Teams und die Deckung der Kosten für den Betrieb unserer Organisation in Indien und Kenia während des gesamten Jahres 2023. Die Gelder (25.000€) werden dazu verwendet, die Anzahl der Frauen, die monatlich bezahlt werden, von 10 auf 15 zu erhöhen - um ihnen damit finanzielle Stabilität zu geben; die jährliche Miete unserer beiden Zentren zu decken; die Ausgaben für alle unsere Bildungs- und alle Schulgebühren für die bedürftigen Kinder zu decken.
22.12.22 - 31.01.23
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Updates from Project Tres - march to june 2023

Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa
Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa5 min Lesezeit

Hey there,

I would like to take this opportunity to say thanks to each and every one of you who donated to us in the past months.

Last time, I updated you on our crowdfunding campaign from the end of the year, and the fact we didn't raise enough funds. Because of that our fundraising efforts have been focused on getting more monthly sponsors for our organization. We have realized that, for us, this is the most precious support someone can give us in order to secure the stability our work requires.

What have we done in the past 4 months?

We had a beautiful travel experience taking place in Goa - India, in March. Ten volunteers joined our center in Goa, focusing on the exchange between women from different countries. The trip was full of cooking classes, feminine activities around Indian culture, beauty, and traditions. It also provided an opportunity to sell our products locally to visitors. The women loved the experience and can't wait for the next one. These activities not only create a beautiful cultural exchange but also provide the ladies with extra income, as they are paid for all the extra work they do during this time.

In the past 2 months, the women in India have also started attending biweekly meditation and yoga classes. They got in touch with a local teacher who has been amazingly supportive in this journey. They have already mentioned to us how much more calm and connected to their bodies they feel, and how they are less overwhelmed by daily problems.

In addition, this past month in India, a health check-up took place for all the women in the project, as well as some other members of the neighborhood. The check-up included screenings for breast cancer and diabetes. All these activities have been taking place in our center, which we can only finance through the support of people like you.

In Kenya, things are a bit quieter, and we have been looking into new possible projects to run there. We will keep you posted. For now, our mental health program continues to happen, and the mamas are enjoying it very much.

Overall, the costs of our both centers, the payments of the 10 women receiving a monthly fee for their work, and our programs (mental health, training, local activities) are all secured through donations. We also covered costs related to school fees, food, and emergency healthcare.

Unfortunately, we have some not-so-good news. Starting this month, we have decreased the payments of all the women in India by 20% due to the lack of funds we have been facing after our latest campaign. As soon as we are able to reverse this situation, we will let you know.

What happens next?

The next significant costs will be in India, specifically the school fees that we have to pay between July and August. In Kenya, as our sales aren't going so well and we don't have any production scheduled, we will send some money for food support in the upcoming months.

Our goal for the past months was to reach the support of 1000€ monthly, which covers half of our average fixed cost for each month in both countries. With the contribution from a few new individuals, we are currently at 1130€ in monthly donations, which is amazing.

However, to ensure we have room to at least secure our centers and programs, we aim to grow this number to the total amount of 2000€ per month by the end of July. So, if you are interested in helping us get to this number or know someone who could be interested in becoming a monthly sponsor, please share this donation page with them.

We are also looking for companies interested in donating to our organization. If you are an entrepreneur and would like to know more about the initiatives we are aiming to fund via corporate donations, please send me an email at [email protected], and I can provide you with further information. In terms of sales, we have been reaching out to other stores in Berlin to sell our items, and we recently received a new wholesale order for a very dear company here in Berlin. This order makes a big difference in our revenues. Additionally, two members of our volunteer team have been applying for funding, and one is putting together some event ideas aimed at fundraising for us.

Thank you for your contributions and for sharing our posts and campaigns with your network, we are very grateful for that. Things are a bit difficult for us at the moment, but at the same time, we feel hopeful and confident that we will navigate through this once again.

With my deep gratitude for your trust and support, and from our entire team,


Project Tres gemeinnützige UG
Carla Maria de Souza Barbosa
Luxemburger Str. 5A
13353 Berlin Deutschland
Project Tres gUG - für Frauen in Indien und Kenia 2023
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