Instant Rewards Time
Thank you, thank you, thank you...
You have been nothing but great and we have been rubbish keeping up with our correspondence, but we do have an excuse:
Most of us are currently filming and we tend to be stuck in places without proper reception for days on end.
And whilst we did expect to be filming, the bit about the reception was not part of our plan.
Now, we are two thirds there and really appreciate the support we have received thus far, but as we are only almost, but not quite there yet, we have decided to introduce our "Instant Reward" scheme:
Donate now, and get a special reward right away!
So if you bid on a reward worth 25 Euros or higher or simply donate an amount of at least 25 Euros, you will get a digital copy of our short comedy "For Richer or Poorer" (H.264/MPEG4 Version)... that is, if you bid/donate by 16th August. ;)
So bid away!