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Without healthy forests future is impossible. Russian war in Ukraine has caused unprecedented harm to our forests. Help us heal them!

We are Treepilya - a woman-founded Ukrainian reforestation NGO. Russian war has damaged over 33% of total Ukrainian forest cover, compromising forests' ability to recover. We need forests, so we all have a future. We ask for your support to plant 360 hectares of native species (or 1 mln trees) in Vynnitsa region on communal land. This project will restore a deforested area, sequester CO2, help enhance biodiversity and contribute to healthier ecosystem and wellbeing of local community
28.02.24 - 20.04.24
Planting begins 04/15/24
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Finanzierungsziel: 224.000 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Our Vinnytsa reforestation project is about immediate response to the environmental catastrophe happening in Ukraine right now. A forest territory, greater that 33% of German forest cover has been damaged. A forest territory equivalent to England's forest cover has been destroyed. Without forests, Ukraine won't be able to sustain a healthy, resilient environment for the people of Ukraine and for the European continent. So our response, is to act now, plant today, so we all can have a robust environment tomorrow.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

We are reforesting for the wellbeing of people, both in Ukraine and in the rest of Europe. Environment has no borders. Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, and in response to the ever pressing climate crisis and the devastating impacts of war, we are creating new forests - the backbone of nature's resilience - to heal nature's scars and support its recovery

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

We all need trees to breath. Forests are the key weapon against climate change. Forests are carbon sinks. Forests are homes to live creatures, big and small. Forests are keepers of underground waters. And since nature does not have borders, by supporting reforestation in Vinnytsa, you are supporting our shared ecosystem, that is home for you and I alike.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money collected will be directed on procuring seedlings and carrying out planing. Additionally, we will support members of local community who will guard the newly created forest.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

We are Vika and Natasha - co-founders of Treepilya. Mentored by Ecosia, we execute our reforestation projects with a team of professionals from National Forest Agency and a team of highly specialized ecologists

Welche Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgt dieses Projekt?

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Warum zahlt das Projekt auf dieses Ziel ein?

Reforeestation is key to fighting against climate change. Our projects are executed based on the local ecosystem analysis and employ only local materials to ensure a long lasting survival effect.

Dieses Projekt zahlt außerdem auf diese Ziele ein



Viktoria Fialko
Carrer Migjorn 8
08329 Teià Deutschland
Saving Forests of Ukraine
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