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Das Buch zum 40-jährigen Bühnenjubiläum 2017 der kanadischen Band SAGA. Reich bebildert, mit vielen Roadstories – von der Band autorisiert.

„40 Years Of SAGA“ ist das erste Fotobuchprojekt zu Ehren der kanadischen Rockband SAGA. Es spürt dem Geist des Progressive Rock und den Persönlichkeiten von SAGA nach und zeigt diese in einzigartiger Bildfülle und inhaltlicher Tiefe. Auf knapp 600 bildreichen Seiten entfaltet sich facettenreich die 40-jährige Geschichte der Band.
27.03.17 - 10.05.17
Juni 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
23.000 €
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Susi Müller
Susi Müller2 min Lesezeit

Dear SAGA friends,

Here is the long-awaited update on the book!
Sorry that we have not reported for such a long time.

Right after the short tour in April and May we received the latest photos, so we are able to show the era from 1977 to 2017.
The images have been adapted, inculded into the layout and put into a printable format.

Right after that the print files were sent to the printer - everything is fine, everything is printable and thus the printing could start.
Unfortunately, the printing company could not comply with the original promise to print the books within 2 weeks because there were difficulties with the paper ordering etc...
The delivery date was rescheduled again and again.
That is why we kept silent until we got the final, confirmed and certain delivery date. Yesterday we heard: the book will be delivered on 28.07.2017.

In the meantime all the "goodies" got finished: the logo stickers, steel pendants, autograph cards, lyric prints, buttons, band portraits.
The LPs, the portraits and the personal cover letters are signed by the band.
Everybody who ordered the package including a T-shirt will receive an email in the next days, as we still need the exact size for the shirt.
Now everything is prepared, only waiting for the arrival of the books!

Shipping will start on 31.07.2017

We are so sorry for the delay. Unfortunately it was off our hands. Please indulge us, it was a big challenge, but we are sure it's been worth the wait!


Susi Müller & Hans-Willi Carl

P.S .: A note for all those who have not been part of the Crowdfunding campaign:
The book can be ordered soon on

04.07.2017 liest du gerade


Susi Müller
Susi Müller2 min Lesezeit
Susanne Müller
Peterstrasse 11
90478 Nürnberg Deutschland

11.05.17 - Dear friends & family, fans &...

Dear friends & family, fans & supporters,

the crowdfunding campaign ended a few minutes ago.
This is awesome! I am so grateful and happy for all the positive and overwhelming response - thank you all!

We will keep you up-to-date.


01.05.17 - Wir haben das Ziel erreicht!!!! Wow, was für...

Wir haben das Ziel erreicht!!!!
Wow, was für ein toller Support, wir danken euch, ihr seid großartig!

Die Unterstützungen flattern immer noch fleißig herein, deshalb wollen wir hier erklären, was mit dem Geld passieren wird. Da das Fundingziel sehr sehr knapp kalkuliert war (damit ist lediglich möglich den Druck anzuschieben), können wir mit dem zusätzlichen Geld auch die Extras finanzieren, was sonst aus unseren Taschen hätten kommen müssen.

Das Buch: 40 Years Of SAGA
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