Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Ich bin schon fast fertig mit meinem zweiten Album und brauche jetzt deine Hilfe um es möglich zu machen :)
03.07.14 - 10.08.14
Juni- Ende Juli
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
4.000 €
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Sara Lugo
Sara Lugo1 min Lesezeit

HELLO to you all on this sunday,

As you are reading this blog I hope you and your loved ones are doing well!
We have 14 days to go with this crowd funding project.

Honestly I'm not sure if we can reach the goal until the 10th of August, but someone told me "never say never" :)
So, I will keep pushing and sharing and hope we can create some miracle to make this work together!
Thank you for all the support I've gotten from you. Either by buying a package, sharing the project, telling your friends and family and whatever other way you supported me.
I am truly grateful for it! Please keep sharing ! We need to let eeeeveryone know !

All I know at this very moment is, that I have a great feeling about the album.
You can hear the growth and progress and I can not wait to share it with you !
(one way or another.. )

Below is a mini sneak peak of a part of the album cover..
More is to come :)

Much love to you all!


3 2 1

Sara Lugo
Sara Lugo1 min Lesezeit
27.07.2014 liest du gerade


Sara Lugo
Sara Lugo1 min Lesezeit

11.08.14 - WE DID IT ! I want to send a big THANK YOU...

I want to send a big THANK YOU to everyone who supported me on the Startnext crowd funding project. Thank you to everyone who, shared the link, video, posts.., thank you to everyone who spread the word, and thank you to everyone who preordered the album or one of the packages and put money to the project. Thank you to everyone who helped behind the scenes. And Thank you to the artists who took the time to make videos and shouts to their fans to support the thing.


07.08.14 - 3 daaaaaays!

3 daaaaaays!

08.07.14 - Hello everyone! I want to say, I am really...

Hello everyone!
I want to say, I am really happy to see so many people have supported me in these first days already!

I really believe this can work, and I want to thank each one of you for your time and support.
It's a good feeling to know you have so many ppl behind you and you're not doing it alone. Teamwork makes the dream work!
Thank you all for the strength :)

Please continue to spread the word and share the link with your friends and followers

Have a blessed week!

Sara Lugo 2. Album
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