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Dawn Mok - Eternal Love (Dial LP 034)

von Rettet ACUD MACHT NEU, das Team braucht eure Hilfe!

20,00 €

inkl. MwSt. & Versand

Dawn Mok's full length debut album "Eternal Love" released on Sky Walking is a journey into deep and dark shades of future R'nB. Within a year of production and sound design, including the mixing of Finland's Ville Haimala aka Renaissance Man, Dawn Mok created a milestone of contemporary dance music and beyond.

Dawn Mok performed their album live at ACUD CLUB on 16.3.16, as opener for COLIN SELF and part of the NEVER WORK concert series by Norman Palm.

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20,00 €

inkl. MwSt. & Versand


Dawn Mok's full length debut album "Eternal Love" released on Sky Walking is a journey into deep and dark shades of future R'nB. Within a year of production and sound design, including the mixing of Finland's Ville Haimala aka Renaissance Man, Dawn Mok created a milestone of contemporary dance music and beyond.

Dawn Mok performed their album live at ACUD CLUB on 16.3.16, as opener for COLIN SELF and part of the NEVER WORK concert series by Norman Palm.

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Was heißt das?
Gayard und Braun GbR - ACUD MACHT NEU
Julie Gayard
Veteranenstrasse, 21
10119 Berlin Germany
USt.ID-Nr.: DE 217 881 776

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