von Rettet ACUD MACHT NEU, das Team braucht eure Hilfe!
inkl. MwSt. & Versand
From the circles of Hamburg’s Golden Pudel Club, Éric Falconnier and Joachim Schütz aka Schluss present their debut album “28” on Sky Walking. Another adventure into Spontaneous Music - free and intense, demanding and magical.
They played live at ACUD CLUB on 4.5.17, together with eve essex and james k, as part fo the SKY WALKING concert series.
SKY WALKING is the experimental sub-label of DIAL REC and long time friends and collaborators of ACUD MACHT NEU.
inkl. MwSt. & Versand
From the circles of Hamburg’s Golden Pudel Club, Éric Falconnier and Joachim Schütz aka Schluss present their debut album “28” on Sky Walking. Another adventure into Spontaneous Music - free and intense, demanding and magical.
They played live at ACUD CLUB on 4.5.17, together with eve essex and james k, as part fo the SKY WALKING concert series.
SKY WALKING is the experimental sub-label of DIAL REC and long time friends and collaborators of ACUD MACHT NEU.
USt.ID-Nr.: DE 217 881 776
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