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Sollmann & Gürtler - Gegen Die Zeit (Sky Walking 03)

von Rettet ACUD MACHT NEU, das Team braucht eure Hilfe!

20,00 €

inkl. MwSt. & Versand

PHILLIP SOLLMANN, also known as EFDEMIN, and the multi-instrumentalist JOHN GÜRTLER presented the release of their album live at ACUD CLUB on 27.11.17, as part of the SKY WALKING concert series. SKY WALKING is the experimental sub-label of DIAL REC and long time friends and collaborators of ACUD MACHT NEU.

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20,00 €

inkl. MwSt. & Versand


PHILLIP SOLLMANN, also known as EFDEMIN, and the multi-instrumentalist JOHN GÜRTLER presented the release of their album live at ACUD CLUB on 27.11.17, as part of the SKY WALKING concert series. SKY WALKING is the experimental sub-label of DIAL REC and long time friends and collaborators of ACUD MACHT NEU.

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