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Sebastian Sturm & Exile Airline
Sebastian Sturm
Kasinostraße 41
52066 Aachen Deutschland

27.01.15 - This is it! It is 5 minutes past midnight –...

This is it! It is 5 minutes past midnight – the crowdfunding for our upcoming album finished with great success!

We are deeply grateful to see how much you guys support our music! This feels incredible and gives us strength and energy to go on! We have a powerful crowd and we can trust in it! Many thanks for that!

Now it is time to produce the record as fast as possible and get everything ready for the release of “The Kingston Session” on April 11! Check our websites for more infos.


18.01.15 - Big thanks to all our supporters!...

Big thanks to all our supporters!

The Kingston Session - Albumproduktion
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