Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

What we can learn from female entrepreneurs about the future of business.

"Starting a Revolution" ist ein Business-Buch für alle, die nach einer neuen Arbeitswelt streben. Wir interviewen einige der progressivsten Unternehmerinnen weltweit und laden Euch ein, durch unser Buch "Starting a Revolution" radikal andere Management-Ansätze und Erfahrungen kennenzulernen. Mit Eurer Unterstützung hat unser Buch das Potenzial, die Arbeitswelt auf den Kopf zu stellen.
19.02.19 - 20.03.19
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 10.000 €

Wenn wir dieses Fundraising-Ziel erreichen, können wir das Buch schreiben, editieren, grafisch aufbereiten und dann drucken lassen.

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Happy International Women's Day and Thank You!

Lisa Jaspers
Lisa Jaspers2 min Lesezeit

Dearest friends, supporters and business revolutionaries,

we just wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a happy International Women's Day (a public holiday in Berlin for the first time ever!) and say thank you so much for your support so far. We have managed to reach almost 12,000 EUR, which means that we can definitely print the book! And we are hopeful that we might reach 20,000 EUR before the end of the campaign, which would mean that we can have an even bigger impact.

Today we joined thousands of Berliners at the demonstration for the International Women’s Day and we were so moved to see so many men, women and children of all ages and backgrounds coming together to push for a new age of equality and justice.

Our book is an attempt to create more space for women in business and introduce more female perspectives into the current business system and discourse. It really feels like we are at a transformative time, where both men and women have a unique opportunity to work together to create not only a new business world but also a new society. And we are really grateful to you for making it possible for us to contribute in our own small way to this transformation.

But, as those of you who have watched the video will know, our Starting a Revolution campaign is not only about getting financial support for our book but also about identifying more of the women out there who are revolutionising business. Do you know women who are challenging the status quo of what it means to do business and to do it well? Like Anna Yona, founder of Wildling Shoes, who was nominated by one of her employees last week. We had never heard of her before but she has been one of the most inspirational women we have spoken to so far… WHO ELSE SHOULD WE TALK TO? Tell us and we promise to reach out to all of them.

If you know anybody else who might be interested to hear about the book, we would be really grateful if you would share the link with them. And we will be sure to keep you updated on our progress over the coming weeks.

With love,

Naomi & Lisa


06.11.19 - Das Buch ist nun da! Erhältlich unter

Das Buch ist nun da! Erhältlich unter

Starting a Revolution
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