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What we can learn from female entrepreneurs about the future of business.

"Starting a Revolution" ist ein Business-Buch für alle, die nach einer neuen Arbeitswelt streben. Wir interviewen einige der progressivsten Unternehmerinnen weltweit und laden Euch ein, durch unser Buch "Starting a Revolution" radikal andere Management-Ansätze und Erfahrungen kennenzulernen. Mit Eurer Unterstützung hat unser Buch das Potenzial, die Arbeitswelt auf den Kopf zu stellen.
19.02.19 - 20.03.19
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 10.000 €

Wenn wir dieses Fundraising-Ziel erreichen, können wir das Buch schreiben, editieren, grafisch aufbereiten und dann drucken lassen.

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We are in print!

Naomi Ryland
Naomi Ryland3 min Lesezeit

Dear friends and revolutionaries,

we are delighted to share that this week we have sent our book, Starting a Revolution: what we can learn from female entrepreneurs about the future of business, to print. This means that in just a few weeks time it should be hitting your doormat!

If you live in Berlin, we would like to invite you to our book launch, which will be happening on the 15th October in Baldon, Wedding at 7pm. We will be joined by two of our Revolutionaries as well as the outstanding journalist and activist Kübra Gümüşay, who will moderate us through the evening. The event location is beautiful but has limited space, so if you plan to attend, please let us know via [email protected]. If you would prefer to pick up your copy of the book there, or at the FOLKDAYS store in Manteuffelstraße, just let us know when you RSVP.

If you would like to order another copy or know anybody else who would like to, please go here: If you have an idea for how we can spread the word as far and wide as possible, please let us know!

It has been a while, so for those of you who have forgotten what it is about, here’s the blurb:

Starting a Revolution is a business book for revolutionaries. It turns conventional business wisdom on its head and presents you with some radical alternatives.

Since founding their companies, Naomi Ryland and Lisa Jaspers have been on the lookout for meaningful business advice. Advice that helps to build great companies but that also reflects the challenges of our times: climate change, deeply divided societies, growing inequality, and a disillusioned and burnt-out workforce. Hardly any of the advice they heard from the startup world, and read in business books, seemed up to the challenge. Most business advice is built on the paradigms of ‘growth at all costs’, competition and pressure. It felt outdated.

So they went on the lookout for new ideas and new role models, choosing to focus on a group of people who have been previously underrepresented in business (literature): women.

Over the last year, Naomi and Lisa have interviewed some of the most progressive female founders in the world. What they learned has radically changed how they run their own businesses, and now they want to share this vision of the future with you. Covering topics such as organisational development, leadership, recruitment, personal development, team building, innovation and fundraising, this is a hands-on business book for everybody who wants to rethink the world of work.

This is a book for founders, investors, managers, business students and anybody who thinks the world of work needs a reboot. We believe that together we can start a revolution. And we hope that you will join us.

It has been a labour of love! We hope to see many of you on the 15th October and look forward to hearing questions, feedback and ideas via [email protected].


06.11.19 - Das Buch ist nun da! Erhältlich unter

Das Buch ist nun da! Erhältlich unter

Starting a Revolution
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