Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Steel Vintage Bikes Café ist ein Ort an dem Fahrrad- und Kaffeekultur auf eine freundliche und einzigartige Weise zusammentreffen. In unserem Bike-Café findet ihr leckere Snacks, hausgemachten Kuchen, italienische Kaffeespezialitäten sowie eine feine Auswahl an Büchern und Magazinen. Das Café ist ein gemütlicher Ort für Berliner und Reisende mit und ohne Fahrrad!
15.01.15 - 20.02.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
10.000 €
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The final countdown

Tamara Lee
Tamara Lee2 min Lesezeit

Dear Supporters,

Well there´s no other way to say it: wow! We have now raised 60% of our goal. We started our crowdfunding campaign on January 15th so that we could afford to put in a fully functioning kitchen. We asked for help and you came through in the biggest way! You are all appreciated!

It´s hard to believe that our campaign has almost come to an end (20th February).This is the last week to contribute to Steel Vintage Bikes Café through this campaign. If you are considering being part of our crowdfunding, now is the time to give and help us improve our café.

We are currently working on expanding our seating area, fixing the signage and lights inside and outside and we have painted the corridors and the bathrooms. We’re really looking forward to seeing the final result.

So now that we know what´s possible, there´s still a mini way to go until we reach that target. We’ve got 7 days left! 7!

And last but not least, we have now added a 2 advertisement banner space reward (with format 160x600 px) for 2´000€.
Steel Vintage Bikes gets over 60'000 visits per month.

If you have not yet shared this campaign with your friends and family, please take a minute to do so. It would help if anything to get Steel Vintage Bikes Café out to more folks.

Thanks to you all and have a lovely weekend!



Tamara Lee
Tamara Lee1 min Lesezeit
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Steel Vintage Bikes
Alexander Bisaliev
Weidenweg 63
10247 Berlin Germany

UID: DE283397179

16.02.15 - Ok - here we go! 4 days left for Steel...

Ok - here we go! 4 days left for Steel Vintage Bikes Café. A huge thank you to all who have contributed and helped us raise 80% of our target. Truly amazing!
We have added 2 new rewards (500€ and 1'000€) and hope we´ll soon be able to upgrade our café we (and you) have been waiting for. So if you like the project, please keep spreading the word in these last 4 days.

Love and gratitude
Your Steel Vintage Bikes team

01.02.15 - We have added a lovely limited edition print...

We have added a lovely limited edition print from artist Shelly Cornick to our Reward list. She´s a talented British photographer who now lives in Russia and recently got an article in The Guardian.

16.01.15 -

Steel Vintage Bikes Café
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