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Mit Rap ein Zeichen gegen Polizei-und Militärgewalt setzen! #StopMurderingAfricanPeople

#StopMurderingAfricanPeople ist ein Musikprojekt, dass sich gegen Polizei-und Militärgewalt in Afrika, besonders in Kamerun, richtet. Zur Durchführung dieses Projektes werden wir die Musik für eine CD produzieren, das dazugehörige Musikvideo drehen, sowie eine Sticker-Kampagne starten.
07.06.16 - 07.08.16
31.September 2016
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
3.855 €
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Nous voulons une police solidaire des combats civils

Hobskur Petit Soldat Légendaire
Hobskur Petit Soldat Légendaire2 min Lesezeit

Hello à tous,

thanks again to all of you who have supported our project and who made it possible that we could realize the campaign StopMurderingAfricanPeople. It's been two weeks that I am back in Berlin, after five weeks in Douala in Cameroon to realize the first stage of the campaign.

Originally our campaign included the production of a song, a video, a sticker campaign and a concert for this first path of the project. We've been very productive while this five weeks and finished the recording of the song as well as the video, which will be published in about two or three weeks.

We got in touch to a big number of people while doing our sticker campaign all over Douala. To get in touch with a ever broader public we've also organized a cross-country (a run of seven kilometers) with young people from two different neighborhoods. For this big public event we gave t-shirts with the slogan: Pour une police solidaire des combats civils (For a police in solidarity with the civilian struggle) to the runners. You'll find photos of this event attached.

Unfortunately the first big show case I had planed at Douala had been banned by the authorities of the district. Clearly they had no interest that we passed our message to the audience. Anyway we will not stop at this point and hope mobilize more people with the song and the video. I'll also hope to get back to Cameroon soon so that we can realize more actions.

I can wait for the production of the video to be complete and will get with you in touch when I have the final version in my hands. Those who have supported us financially will also get there gifts soon !!

Thanks again for your great support!!

Le combat continu. MERCI!

Pour une police solidaire des combats civils!


Kampagne gegen Polizei- und Militärgewalt
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