Particularly in times of social distancing it is important to preserve the joy of cultural freedom und creative exchange in us – however, that holds true for our favourite place as well. The inevitable shutdown of all social activities at the moment is posing a serious threat to our existence. The more everything else is closing, the more we should open up our hearts: we still believe in the freedom of society und hope to get through this crisis together. For that, we are in urgent need of your help.
Crowdfunding goal
Each and every euro helps.
Our fixed costs add up to about 20.000€ per month.
Reaching that goal we expect to secure “Südpol” until the end of the year without hosting any events.
About the project
“Südpol” is a collectively organised venue focused on electronic music. We love partying as much as civic education and believe in making a difference and changing the world into a better place off the beaten path of the capitalistic logic of exploitation.
Apart from the popular 4/4 parties “Süpol” is home to a variety of cultural events and new ideas apart from the mainstream: from parties, performances, concerts, theatre and film presentations up to live readings and exhibitions. “Südpol” is a place for self-determined people coming together and cooperating in solidarity as artists, crew and friends. It is a habitat for diversity. As a result of addressing social issues such as sexism, racism and commercialization as well as the actual location and the ongoing development “Südpol” has become an international draw for creative potential, being unique to the cultural landscape of Hamburg.
Since 2015 we have autonomously developed the area called Hochwasserbassin/Hammerbrook into a cultural institution spending countless hours of volunteering for our real-life utopia. To remain independent during the setup of “Südpol” we have received microcredits from friends in the past. Since then, we count every penny we make thrice and put it into preserving the place, hosting events and paying our staff and the artists.
That is why, unfortunately, we were not able to build up any reserves worth mentioning in the past years. The current situation, hence, deprives the project as well as everyone connected to it – from the staff to (inter)national artists – of their livelihood for an uncertain amount of time. For that reason we need your support.
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What are the goals and who is the target group?
Saving the Südpol!
Saving cultural diversity und open spaces devoted to political emancipation. Without your support in this crisis we will fail to bear the fixed costs and redeem the loans from the beginning.
We like to address all people who are interested in culture and music, our regulars and friends, sympathizers and political supporters – everyone who believes in a better world, community and solidarity.
Why should someone support this project?
Hamburg and the world need an eternal Nice! As a self-governing project we let unrestricted thought and living utopia become reality We offer space for different actions and people: there are times when twenty people discuss a movie, other times thousands are partying – at Südpol all of this must remain possible. It is about your habitat and the one for approximately 200 employees.
That is why we turn to you, to preserve this idea with us. We do not just want your money: we want to develop something great just now.
With the help of your donation cultural diversity and therefore also your lifestyle will be preserved. Simultaneously we will support other social projects with this campaign. We decided to donate 10% of the net amount. We keep you constantly informed via blog and newsletter. Protect the Südpol from disappearing, so that the eternal Nice can be furthermore explored by you. Celebrate with us the anticipation of a imminent reunion!
What happens to the money if the campaign is successful?
The eternal Nice can continue to exist. Cultural diversity will be preserved. The Südpol is able to welcome you back – and we can dance together again.
The fixed costs can be secured. Outstanding accounts with our creditors can be cleared.
In the ideal case, a solid foundation for future overall operation and new great experiences and events for you emerges.
Although we need each cent, we are certain about our social responsibility that many other social projects do not have the opportunity to start a campaign like this.
Therefore we want to help these people at the end of the campaign with approx. 10% from all donations.
Who is behind the project?
Kulturelles Neuland e.V.
The collective. The teams. The crew. The supporters. Friends. Humans.