Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

After 18 years of independent journalism and three months of Corona hardship, the Exberliner team is asking you to help us get back to print!

Exberliner has been Berlin's leading English-language magazine for culture, reportage and politics since 2002, delivering first-hand quality journalism for the city's international community. Like many independent media outlets around the world, the coronavirus has left us with an uncertain future, as revenue from our cultural advertising partners has dried up. We're asking you, dear readers, friends and members of the extended EXB family to help bridge the gap until that revenue returns.
26.05.20 - 30.06.20
Until the end of June
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Exberliner is Berlin's English-language magazine for culture, reportage and politics. We're Germany's largest publication in English.

Founded in 2002 by three journalists from Germany, Romania and France, Exberliner is a self-financed, totally independent publishing venture.

Over the last 18 years, Exberliner has become a reference for Berlin's international community with a respected monthly print magazine, a popular website, biweekly newsletters as well as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels, regular events and parties and a film award.

Our next project is the Special Solidarity Edition 2020, a blockbuster edition of EXB filed with interviews with some of Berlin's brightest minds discussing these unprecedented times.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The Corona outbreak forced us to stop printing the monthly magazine and shift all our resources to digital. Since mid-March, our small team has been working extra hard on keeping the EXB flame burning, providing our growing readership with local news, features and culture tips on Our online traffic has exploded, but our advertising revenue has almost disappeared.

And we miss the intoxicating smell and spell of the printed page. We'll return with a great new Exberliner issue, a Special Solidarity Edition and our big comeback to print after three months. Some of the money raised through this special issue will go towards our team of freelancers. Like many media outlets, we've been able to keep on our core roster of staff, but were forced to freeze contributions from our freelance journalists, many of whom rely on their freelance incomes to survive.

The special edition will be a one-off issue, filled with long-form interviews with and by inspiring people reflecting on the very strange times we're going through.

Our readers are Berliners of all types, young and old. We believe we're a vital voice in Berlin's media landscape, as a key news source for the city's growing international community. We have a large audience of born-and-raised Berliners. We're the international voice of Berlin and write for all English speakers, native or not.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

We believe we're a vital voice in Berlin's media landscape, as a key news source for the city's growing international community. We have a strong network of freelance writers, editors and designers, many of whom have been contributing to Exberliner for years.

In streets across the city, Berlin seems to be emerging from the coronavirus crisis. But that's not the case for media outlets, especially those that, like Exberliner, rely on advertising revenue from the cultural and events spheres.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We'd use the money raised through this campaign to pay our freelancers and the printing fees. Over the past few months, our team has been working hard to provide our readers with fresh online content, but we want to return to print. This special summer interview issue will reflect on this strange time we are experiencing, before getting back to our regular schedule in September.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Standing behind Exberliner is a small team, keeping the magazine alive online - and now throwing their excess talents and qualifications into the Startnext mix! Could you do with a remdial massage from our office manager, use a business consultation with our startup writer or want to learn from our editorial staff?

We're looking forward to meeting you!


Iomauna Media GmbH
Nadja Vancauwenberghe
Max-Beer-Str. 48
10119 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE222423543
Support Berlin's English-language magazine
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