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Darpdecade GmbH & Co. KG
Robin Balser
Am Kummerling 2
55294 Bodenheim Germany

Vinokilo is a social enterprise that runs Germany's biggest pop-up event for second hand clothes. Clothes are being sold at a kilo price at our events.

Second hand clothes are handpicked out of containers of clothing waste. They are curated, cleaned and repaired and sold as vintage ( all time classics 60s - 90s ) at our pop up events (in Germany, Netherlands and Nordics) per kilo price and in a feel-good atmosphere of wine, food and music.

By covering as many distribution touch points as possible ( offline events, online sales and stores ), we aim to become Europe’s largest touchpoint for reusing second hand clothing and hence inspire audiences globally to perceive secondhand clothes as first hand alternative to newly industrialised clothing items.

VinoKilo needs your support!
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