Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

This project will release the long awaited TYPO3 Marketplace to shift TYPO3 CMS to the next level.

The T3Marketplace will empower the whole TYPO3 Community with its easy and fast exchange of extensions and services, over a shop-platform. You have to build extension for your clients or you're in need of a responsive theme? Check the T3Marketplace and get what you need. And of course most of you already developed cool extensions and features which for some reasons you won't push into the repository. Now you can put them into the T3Marketplace and enrich the T3-Ecosystem a lot.
13.07.17 - 11.10.17
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
55.000 €
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TYPO3 Marketplace FAQ

Adrian Zimmermann
Adrian Zimmermann7 min Lesezeit

Q: What is the TYPO3 Marketplace?
A: Well, basically it’s the idea to have an “App Store” for TYPO3 related products and services, where we do a matching between vendors (eg. extension developers or service providers) and buyers. If you want to buy services, a certain extension, theme or similar, this should become the first way to look. Also think about non-digital goods such as hosting, training, SLA or even events. That’s what we’re aiming for. TYPO3 Marketplace should become the hub for all services around TYPO3, no matter if they are offered for money or completely free.

Q: Who is the TYPO3 Marketplace Initiative?
A: The TYPO3 Marketplace Initiative are driven by the following agencies and persons. Pagemachine ℅ Voker Neuhaus, Snowflake ℅ Adrian Zimmermann, web-vision ℅ Boris Hinzer.

Q: I thought the TYPO3 Marketplace was a task of the TYPO3 GmbH ?
A: Yes, that’s right and it’s still on their roadmap. But we, the TYPO3 Marketplace Initiative, would like to see it to happen sooner and would like to have it with a MVP (minimum viable product) approach, also covering additional features. That’s why we started it. The development itself will happen in close cooperation with the TYPO3 GmbH and the T3A. We have planned to donate the TYPO3 Marketplace to either the TYPO3 Association or the TYPO3 GmbH once it’s running at least at break-even.

Q: Why should I support the Marketplace funding?
A: We believe that the TYPO3 Marketplace is an important step for the TYPO3 ecosystem. We often see that agencies or developers offer almost the same extensions, without even noticing each other.
Additionally freelance developers sometimes find it hard to get financial support for their developments. With the marketplace we close these gaps. We are bringing vendors, buyers and possible partners together.
Also we hope that similar developments will happen far less in the future and developers and agencies join forces.
Beyond software, think about other platforms and services earning money with “TYPO3” as a brand eg. recruiting services or job platforms. They don’t support the TYPO3 ecosystem. We see an opportunity for the TYPO3 Marketplace in this regards..
If you are really interested that TYPO3 grows as a wealthy ecosystem, funding is the right way to do it. Besides that you could also profit from the TYPO3 Marketplace.

Q: What happens with the money, which is earned by running the TYPO3 Marketplace?
A: At first we are going to cover ongoing costs like server infrastructure, pre- and after sales, support, marketing, etc. Once the Marketplace is running at break-even, we plan to hand-over the Marketplace to either the TYPO3 GmbH or the TYPO3 Association as a donation, so it could become a profit generating platform for the whole TYPO3 project.

Q: Will the Marketplace have a full TYPO3 CMS integration?
A: We have planned this feature as a stretch goal. For the MVP version we expect to have downloads as TGZ, ZIP or similar, as well as “virtual products” which don’t need downloads at all.

Q: Will the Marketplace make the TER obsolete?
A: We don’t expect such to happen in short time. There is no “must” to offer your services or extensions in the Marketplace. Although you can offer a “free sample” or “open source version” within your product at the same time. The difference is that your customers don’t need to pass the checkout process then.
Also thinking about non-software products like trainings, SLA, events, job offers, etc, the Marketplace will be able to handle such.

Q: So, in future we will have two Marketplaces?
A: No, since we coordinated everything with the TYPO3 GmbH and even meet regularly at their location in Dusseldorf. Also we have planned to donate the TYPO3 Marketplace to either the TYPO3 Association or the TYPO3 GmbH once it’s running at least at break-even.

Q: How have you planned the development of the Marketplace?
A: First we asked the TYPO3 Association members about it in a survey. You can find the results here.
Then we did a research on possible solutions. For example we asked various SAAS vendors for their offers and took a look at the technical possible solutions. We found that especially SAAS offers had a rather basic feature set, which we would sooner than later need to extend. That’s why we decided against SAAS.
With those information combined we sat down with the TYPO3 GmbH and came up with a feature list of “must-haves” and “nice to haves”. Based on these features we did an evaluation and finally came up with to develop the Marketplace based on Magento 2 and this crowdfunding campaign.

Q: How is the development itself going to happen?
A: After our evaluation period we decided to develop the Marketplace based on Magento 2. Since we are now three leading agencies, we are going to make “work packages” based on necessary tasks, which one of these agencies are going to deliver. If you think you could help us, please to contact us.

Q: I was not aware of the Marketplace Initiative before, can I still join?
A: Yes sure. Please make sure, that you are able to participate at the regular meetings in Duesseldorf and deliver your possible work packages in time. Don’t promise anything you can’t deliver. Btw. we don’t do any
reimbursements on travel costs for attending the meetings in Düsseldorf. ;)
Also please get in touch with one of the Initiative members upfront and let us know where you see yourself to participate.

Q: Regarding the screenshots you show in the crowdfunding, are these definite?
A: No, they are meant as mockups, but they are the results of the proof-of-concept and of “running code”.

Q: When do you start the development of the TYPO3 Marketplace?
A: Basically the first steps in development are already done, since we built the proof-of-concept based on Magento 2. We are going to continue our tasks as soon as the first funding goal is reached. This means the sooner the funding is done, the sooner we can continue working on the Marketplace and the sooner the Marketplace will launch.

Q: I want to become a vendor on the TYPO3 Marketplace, how much money do I earn?
A: Since we charge a commission of 20%, you get 80% of every sale. Additionally you could lower the commission rate by crowdfunding this campaign ;)

Q: How will you cover the ongoing costs of the TYPO3 Marketplace?
A: We calculated a commission of 20% of every sale for covering costs like infrastructure, pre- and after sales support, marketing etc. Besides that we need to figure out a pricing model for products without a price tag, like job offers or reviews.

Q: I have additional questions regarding the TYPO3 Marketplace, how can I get in touch with you?
A: We opened a new Slack Channel called: #t3marketplace. Please feel free to get in touch with us there. Also we have planned to make a QA sessions as webinar.

Q: I want to sponsor individually, is that possible?
A: Yes, we are open for your ideas or suggestions. We also thought about special feature sponsorships or a bulk voucher sponsorship where you can spread a certain amount of vouchers among your customers.

Q: Regarding licensing , can I offer my GPL-licensed software and earn money with it?
A: All TYPO3 extensions are covered by the GPL. The License allows the sales without any problem (Please see FAQ GPL here
We would advise to think about a different approach on offering your your software. Buyers are often more interested in Support and Maintenance of the code, Documentation and Trainings. Hint: Think more toward a “Software Update Service” rather than a fixed retail prices tag.

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