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This project will release the long awaited TYPO3 Marketplace to shift TYPO3 CMS to the next level.

The T3Marketplace will empower the whole TYPO3 Community with its easy and fast exchange of extensions and services, over a shop-platform. You have to build extension for your clients or you're in need of a responsive theme? Check the T3Marketplace and get what you need. And of course most of you already developed cool extensions and features which for some reasons you won't push into the repository. Now you can put them into the T3Marketplace and enrich the T3-Ecosystem a lot.
13.07.17 - 11.10.17
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
55.000 €
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TYPO3 Marketplace Interview: Petra & Jo Hasenau

Boris Hinzer
Boris Hinzer3 min Lesezeit

Petra and Jo Hasenau are the founders of the Cybercraft Media Manufactory, a company specialized in TYPO3 services and mainly acting as a workbench for other agencies. In 2012 and 2013 they did the first crowd funding campaigns for Gridelements and Themes, two major TYPO3 extensions they are still maintaining today. As of 2014 they are organizing the TYPO3 User eXperience Week and Petra lately joined the Expert Advisory Board of the TYPO3 association.

Petra, Joey, how do you like the idea of having a TYPO3 Marketplace in general?
P: I really like creating a contact point for TYPO3. This way people who are already or to-be working with TYPO3 get a chance to get in contact with each other, even though they might be not that familiar with the community and its structures and responsibilities.
J: Having a one-stop solution to find and buy products and services within the TYPO3 ecosystem perfectly makes sense to me.

Where do you see the biggest potential or the biggest advantages for you with a marketplace?
P: The exchange, the communication, the distribution and the services behind it.
J: Using the marketplace as the official platform to sell our SLA for TYPO3 extensions will emphasize the close collaboration with the TYPO3 GmbH we are planning for that service anyway. This way we can make sure everybody understands we are enhancing their services instead of competing with them.

How will the TYPO3 Marketplace change the TYPO3 ecosystem?
P: I think it might enable better networking and therefor help to make people and their services more visible to the community, who have been more or less unknown before. So they might become real members of the community then.
J: A one-stop TYPO3 marketplace will increase the visibility of available services, the competition between the vendors and the trust in TYPO3 as a system. So it will help to clean up old structures and generate new modern ways of collaboration.

Which kinds of services or products are you going to offer on the TYPO3 Marketplace?
P: Coders.Care extension SLA
J: For sure we will offer our Coders.Care SLA, but I can imagine offering training, coaching and consulting there too.

Where do you see the TYPO3 Marketplace three years from now?
P: A highly frequented marketplace with lively exchange of services and information.
J: It has the potential to become the de facto sales point for services in and around the TYPO3 ecosystem. So in the end it might render current services like the TYPO3 extension repository obsolete.

Thank you very much for the interview.

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