Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

This project will release the long awaited TYPO3 Marketplace to shift TYPO3 CMS to the next level.

The T3Marketplace will empower the whole TYPO3 Community with its easy and fast exchange of extensions and services, over a shop-platform. You have to build extension for your clients or you're in need of a responsive theme? Check the T3Marketplace and get what you need. And of course most of you already developed cool extensions and features which for some reasons you won't push into the repository. Now you can put them into the T3Marketplace and enrich the T3-Ecosystem a lot.
13.07.17 - 11.10.17
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
55.000 €
Widget einbinden

Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

The T3Marketplace will match supply and demand around the TYPO3 ECMS Eco-System. You can sell your extensions, themes or anything related to TYPO3 on this platform. The T3Marketplace Initiative who is working together with the TYPO3 GmbH will develop, manage and generally be responsible for the project. The TYPO3 GmbH will get a comission around 20% from every purchase, the rest will go the regarding seller.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

One of the goals of T3Marketplace is to bring TYPO3 to the next level. The products which will be offered will help to make TYPO3 stronger with a lot more published features. Also it will help potential clients to decide for TYPO3 because a lot of features are available with new transparency. It's a A Win-Win-Win-Win Situation!
=> The T3 GmbH get Comission Payback for every sold extension
=> The Client gets good quality software from a suddenly far more bigger T3 ecosystem for a price which has to stand the rules of supply and demand on a public market
=> The agencies will have a lot more high-end features with which they can work. We don't have to invent the wheel thousands of times which is definately happening today. TYPO3 service providers of course can also sell their extension over the T3 Marketplace, still will be also a strong marketing instrument and offer a huge visibility.
=> The TYPO3 System will gain a lot of power and will be entering new markets

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

The T3Marketplace is interesting for everyone who has a relation to TYPO3 in any way. There will be a lot of benefits for all the stakeholders in the ecosystem.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

The money will mostly be used for development and enhancing around the magento marketplace features. The T3Marketplace Initiative will take responsibility and realize the following features with release 1 at 55'000 €:

  • Management of Attributes
  • Q & A
  • Advanced Reports
  • Split Order
  • Seller Attributes managed by TYPO3 inc
  • Seller list
  • Membership Manager
  • Split-Cart
  • RMA, legal issue
  • Advanced Comissions
  • Seller Badges
  • Paypal adaptive Payment
  • Clearing via Paypal
  • Clearing via Credit-Card
  • Ordering Extensions aside the marketplace, legal issue
  • multi currency
  • send notifications for customers
  • detail view
  • cart view
  • checkout view
  • buyer / user view

General Tasks:

  • Starting the whole project
  • Evluation
  • Designing
  • Setup
  • Documentation
  • Legal and tax issues
  • Seed funding of the whole organization

Stretch Goal 1: -75'000 €

  • Bundles
  • Pre-order / Crowdfunding
  • Seller-Vacation
  • Seller Groups

Stretch Goal 2: -95'000 €

  • Seller vouchers
  • Quote system
  • Daily deals
  • Seller slider

Stretch Goal 3: -125'000 €

  • Event management / booking
  • Favourite seller
  • Buyer seller communication
  • Escrow service
  • Reconciliation service
  • Payment in advance
  • Recurring billing
  • Expiry of software updates services
  • Notification api
  • Money back guarantee. legal issue
  • TYPO3 Integration
  • Invoice payment

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

The T3Marketplace Initiative consists of the following members:

  • Pagemachine AG, Frankfurt, Voker Neuenhaus
  • snowflake productions gmbh, Zürich, Adrian Zimmermann
  • web-vision GmbH, Mönchengladbach, Boris Hinzer

T3Marketplace Initiative

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

  • Alle Bestellungen und Zahlungen wurden automatisch storniert und rückabgewickelt.
  • Du hast Fragen? Melde dich beim Startnext-Support-Team.
Was heißt das?


snowflake productions gmbh, Switzerland

snowflake offers for 17 years substantial services for digital businesses and is since 2001 a leading TYPO3 agency with 30 employees at 4 sites in Zurich, Bern, Lucerne and Basel. Co-Founder of the T3A and various committees.

Pagemachine AG, Germany

Full Service Digital Agency from Frankfurt/Germany.
Over 250 successful projects since 2003. Consulting, concept, design, content, programming, service, support – we make sure that your website runs perfectly. With TYPO3.

web-vision GmbH, Germany

web-vision is a web agency which creates websites and applications with TYPO3 and shops with Magento.
At web-vision we are very dedicated to TYPO3 and its "inspire people to share". We foster community contributions and participations

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