Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

A Dance-Performance by Wagner Moreira & Artist Collaborators Premiere: Dez. 11th. & 12th. Hellerau - Europäisches Zentrum der Künste - Dresden

Talk to Me is a verbal, non-verbal research project that focuses on a medial and performed communication between the dancers, the dancers and the choreographer as well as the dancers and the audience.
19.10.15 - 14.12.15
26.10.15 - 14.12.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
2.200 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

In whatever context: The general public is affected by each story. And the markets dictate and choose, which stories rise to public knowledge and are being pursued further.

Is there anyone who’s being spared? Are we at capitalisms beck and call? Are we singing the hymns of americanisation and live the romantic, dramatic, placid, cool and successful roles of superstars and superheroes?

More and more intense demands modern society that everybody should be a strong individual. How invincible, how unassailable are we really as couples that live and dance together.

Wagner Moreira chose to work with actual couples in this piece. Together with dancers and performers he is following the urge to experience “real” communication, and researches the consequences of always being “up to date”.

Mainstream, “google-isation”, the dumbing down of the masses, sexism in advertisement, the four-sides- model or communication square occurring within relationships are the topics from which the artist draws.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

As mentioned before, Talk to Me is an offer for talks. Of course we can`t solve the variegated and complex problems, our hastened society has with communication, on one or two evenings; neither are we pursuing such lofty goals.

We can, however, in our small, utopian world called theatre, start a model test to sensitise our willing subjects to the continuously ensnared strings of our self-made medial cob-web.

It is crucial that the audience is willing to step into this system with the same fondness for playing and experimenting, to make them amenable to our wilful impulses. Since the topic concerns us all, we have decided on a low admission price, to ensure that everyone who’s interested is able to attend the evening.

This actually is inherent to our subject matter, since we talk about nothing, that no one hasn't experienced on a daily basis. At the same time we investigate in the fields of theory and reflection. A philosophical titbit, if you will. Look forward to experience in what ways these big thoughts and plans translate to reality. Therefore our complex offer for talks is aimed at as many different interest groups as possible.

It might happen, that each audience member connects to “Talk to Me” in their very own way. A kind of individuality, that only you can bring to this production. Without you, there won’t be a dialogue! Which leaves us with only one thing left to say:

“Talk to Me” is a contemporary piece in contemporary garb for contemporaries.”

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

“Talk to Me” creates a real offer for talks. On stage, you will experience a highly professional, humorous as well as poetic dance performance, that grapples with the big and small perils of human communication. But you won’t have to fear theoretical criticism of our mobile, tablet and computer based communication patterns. Nobody seriously believes in preaching ones wisdom of the subject matter from an educational high ground. So we’ll not only take our audience serious, but rather take them with us into our WhatsApp groups and Facebook threads. Well, within the margins of our technical possibilities on stage that is. Certain is that everyone - you and we - are creating this evening together. And we won’t have to feel embarrassed for leaving our smartphones on during the show, even if they suddenly start ringing.

Talk to Me deals with this scenario in an ironic, humorous way. It enables the audience to partake in this passionate game of disruption and collective failure within communication. Since performers and audience can banter with each other in this way - and that live, during the show! - it creates an actual dialogue. A dialogue made up of various small disruptions. Out of the pathology of our time we create a parlour that isn't artificially breaking habits, but rather artistically staging them."

thomas schütt

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

“Talk to Me” is a low budget production. Its main concern lies with the artistic communication of a late-breaking subject and the invention of a performance language that reflects this topicality.

The donated money will partly find its way back to you, dear inclined facilitator, in the form of bespoke presents.

At the same time your donations will facilitate our salaries and enable us to come together for this journey into all the possibilities and unfeasible depths of interpersonal communication.

It is, with regard to the content and economical, a win-win-situation for those who perform, AND for those who watch. Since they who watch, are at least as active as the ones who perform. Or, to put it differently: It is all about sharing; thoughts, visions, experiences & some money…

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Choreography - Concept - Artistic Director:
Wagner Moreira (BRA/GER)

Performance & Artistic Collaboration:

Leila Bakhtali (NL/GER)

Helena Fernandino (BRA/GER)

Niko van Harlekin (GER/UK)

Laura Keil (GER)

Luzia di Resende (BRA)

Ruslan Stepanov (EST/GER)

Thomas Schütt (GER)

Assistant Director:
Franziska Kusebauch (GER/SWE)

Thomas Schütt

Video Artist:
Hector Solari

Lighting Desing:
Ted Meier (GER)

Team Talk To Me

Talk To Me
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