Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Help us releasing our new Albums!

TheArtOfFusion is a music project from Frankfurt, dedicated - as its name suggests -to the fusion of different cultures, styles and above all art forms with the notion to create music that is popular but also conveying values such as tolerance, peacefulness, friendship, family, belonging and cohesion. Since the release of the first and last album “Rhizomism”, a total of 30 new songs have arisen out of many creative cooperations. Now the time has come to bring these new pieces to the people!
12.10.15 - 10.11.15
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
15.000 €
Frankfurt am Main
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Gefördert von
10.900 €

Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

2009, the project has published its first CD titled "Rhiszomism". The idea to produce a music album with a rhizome structure was chosen for the rhizome's characteristics of diversity in its subtle ramifications and its ability to trace this heterogeneity back to an original root. This rhizomic structure is significant for the music of TheArtOfFusion.
"Art is a mirror of society." is the artistic credo of TheArtOfFusion. For artists it should not only be at stake to represent society as such but also to obtain a certain responsibility for the content in order to shape it in its values.
Since the release of the first and last album, a total of 30 new songs have arisen out of TheArtOfFusion's creative cooperation. Now these are to be released on two albums. The first album is titled "Universe" and follows the concept of the diversity of its predecessor "Rhizomism". The novelty lies in the musical concept: While "Rhizomism" was designed exclusively classical-instrumental, the new pieces hold an increased use of electronic elements which are annexed to the harmonious sounds of classical instruments. Thanks to this amplification of the musical variations, experimental sound pieces have emerged, telling wordless stories about current social issues, but also timeless "universal" themes like love, travel, home, wanderlust and growing up.
The second album will be entitled "The Bow". It alludes to the form of a rainbow, whose beginning and end can not be seen, but whose existence and form is perceived immediately. The title gives a lecture that an arc is a part of a circle, which means part of something infinitem and yet refers to something complete, perfect in form and cyclical. Likewise, it is in the lyrics of the songs on "The Bow" to shared experiences and cyclical images of the human condition.
Now the time has come to bring these new songs to the people! Therefore TheArtOfFusion wants to bring out their new works in the year 2015 on two CDs.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

The project was founded in 2006 by Rafael Sotomayor with the notion to create music that is popular but also conveying values such as tolerance, peacefulness, friendship, family, belonging and cohesion. The claim to be "popular" goes back to the basic idea of ​​Pop music: Originally Pop music derives from Afro-American sub- and youth culture which is characterized in particular by a mix of cultures. TheArtOfFusion aims to address young people with these premises and their music without being exclusive: There are no limits in terms of age, origin, social status etc. for TheArtOfFusion's music. The project's goal consists precisely in reaching a wide and varied audience in accordance to its roots lying in the multicultural city of Frankfurt am Main to represent socio-cultural diversity. To meet this ideal, Rafael Sotomayor - the project's head and worldwide known Hang Master - invites musicians and artists from around the world to attend the project and to contribute their creative ideas, styles, sounds and concepts.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

TheArtOfFusion consists of professional artists who consider their passion of making music as a vocation. If music is a mirror of society, then music characterizes the people in a society. So it is in your hands, what you want to hear and how the music that you listen to influence the people of your environment. Help us with funding a great musical project, chip in and support freelance artists in their success!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

Thanks to your funding we will be able to produce two new Albums and make our music available for our fans and listeners worldwide who are waiting for our new tracks since ages. The funds will be invested in the whole production process of two CDs, titled "Universum" and "The Bow", which includes recording, mixing, mastering and the promotion of the two new Albums.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Behind this project stands a core team of eight people, including the members themselves, visual artists and organisational helpers, next to incountable musicians who are envolved in the musical outcome of The Art Of Fusion.

TheArtOfFusion Team

Rafael Sotomayor
Grusonstr. 9
60329 Frankfurt am Main Deutschland

If you have any question :) Please contact us!

TAOF (TheArtOfFusion) 2 new Albums
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