Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

A simple card game that helps you create more meaningful and nourishing connection with others.

There are no winners or losers in The Connection Game! It's simply about enjoying the simple act of seeing, understanding, appreciating and connecting with others at a deeper level. 110 beautifully designed cards are divided into four categories that explore different ways of relating: verbal, physical, play & moments to pause. Invite some friends over, take the cards to a gathering or play over dinner, one-to-one!
01.09.21 - 26.09.21
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.777 €

The money raised will be used for getting 500 copies of The Connection Game printed and sent in custom made velvet pouches to their new happy owners.

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A massive thank you! (and please check your postage!)

Ruby May
Ruby May2 min Lesezeit

Thank you so much to you all for supporting this campaign and making this dream looking more than possible!

This morning we reached over 7000 EUR and there are 162 of you supporting the printing of The Connection Game, who will be sent your own copy soon!

I didn't quite let myself believe that it would go so well, and it's been so heartening and touching to feel the resonance out there, and to witness the alignment of this dream.

A note on postage costs: for those of you living in Germany, the price of the game includes postage... for everyone else, please make sure you added the additional postage costs (either EU or outside EU) to your order. I can't see your addresses until the campaign ends and I know there are at least some of you that forgot or didn't notice this was needed. It's not too late to add on the additional postage costs over the next 15 days, until the campaign closes.

And if you feel inspired to share the campaign within your orbits, I would be so grateful. Making more than the target would be very welcome, and this will support me to exhale a little more and support myself over the next months while I write and finish my book: a second lockdown dream that is on its way to manifestation!

Again, thank you so much, and sending you all much love from Greece, where I have the blessing of spending a little chunk of time, for some last summer sun!

Know Your Flow
Ruby May
Wolfsgartenstr 44
12555 Berlin Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE291856048
The Connection Game
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