Turning Tables Updates
Dear Supporters,
I hope you are well. Once again, thank you for making our crowdfunding campaign a success and for the opportunity to make our project a reality.
In the last month, Turning Tables has been working on the design of the training component and its modules. We are in discussions with key potential partners based in Munich to deliver training and provide resources that will build a strong and cohesive training program.
On other news, we are working to build a bigger team that will allow us to increase our impact and become sustainable.
If you requested a donation receipt from us, you should be receiving one in the post in the next week and don't worry we didn't forget the rewards, these will be sent to you soon as well!
If you would like to come and meet Thrive and the Turning Tables team we are now hosting monthly events. You can sign up here: http://www.meetup.com/Intercultural-Living-Giving-Meetup-Munich/. We are always on the lookout for volunteers so if you are interested to get involved, please send us an email to [email protected]
That is all for now!
Very best,
The Turning Tables Team