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Verbessertes TYPO3-Backend mit neuen Features Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Veröffentlichung von Grid Elements 2.0 im Frühjahr 2013. Diese Extension wird kompatibel zum neuen TYPO3-6.0-Core sein und zahlreiche neue Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen, wodurch die tägliche Arbeit mit dem Content-Management-System erleichtert und damit beschleunigt wird.
01.10.12 - 31.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
30.000 €
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Final development phase - deadline postponed!

Jo Hasenau
Jo Hasenau3 min Lesezeit

Since we have been working on phase 3 of the grid elements 2.0 development for two weeks now, here we go with a short status report, to keep you up to date.

In many areas we have made substantial progress. The list module can handle columns now and is able to work with nested elements, the feature "get a copy from another page" is taking form and regarding workspaces and multi language handling we got a lot further thanks to the support of Oliver Hader.

But especially regarding workspaces we suffered a severe setback, since we had to find out, that on the one hand we had corrected certain misbehaviours within grid elements, which on the other hand had been actually caused by the core itself. Now the necessary core patches would again lead to misbehaviour to to our own fixes. So workspaces and multi language had to be refactored completely, thus postponing the work on the other tasks.

Since we had started the code sprint with less developers than expected, we already assumed, that everybody would need more time, to finish all the tasks. This is why we actually calculated with a deadline of January 31st. Now we are quite sure thta we won't be able to keep this deadline, since publishing Grid Elements 2.0 (1.4) now explicitely depends on the acceptance and the release of fixed sources for the affected core versions (4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 6.0) by the core team. Oliver is currently working on these patches.

Regarding workspaces the current version of Grid Elements in trunk on forge is already based on a patched core. So if you want to test it, you should wait until the necessary core patches are available on We will send a short notice about it on the usual channels.

The current plan is to postpone the deadline for two weeks. This has the advantage, that we can do indepth testing of all the core patches with grid elements and that ther will be time to finish and test the rest of the features. Additionally the TYPO3 snowboard tour will happen in February, giving us the option to check the final version live together with you and the core team and maybe do some final changes.

As originally announced the actual release will still be in February.

Last but not least: The t-shirt designs are ready now, they are available at and will enter "mass production" this week for those, who had a shirt within their sponsoring reward.

We will stay on the ball!

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

Grid Elements 2.0
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