Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Verbessertes TYPO3-Backend mit neuen Features Das Ziel dieses Projektes ist die Veröffentlichung von Grid Elements 2.0 im Frühjahr 2013. Diese Extension wird kompatibel zum neuen TYPO3-6.0-Core sein und zahlreiche neue Funktionen zur Verfügung stellen, wodurch die tägliche Arbeit mit dem Content-Management-System erleichtert und damit beschleunigt wird.
01.10.12 - 31.12.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
30.000 €
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Important information for the final countdown

Jo Hasenau
Jo Hasenau2 min Lesezeit

For certain reason I will repeat one of the Q&A here:

How did you calculate the budget and why is it 30.000,- €?

The budget is the minimum amount we will need, to be able to deliver Grid Elements 2.0 at all. It has been calculated based on an estimated amount of work between 450 and 500 hours, we will need to finish the most important tasks.
Currently we assume, that crowd funding means long prices inlcuding VAT. So the amount after tax will be about 25.000,- €.

Only after reaching this minimum amount, we will get the money from startnext. So with a lower budget there will initially be no paid development and the sponsors will get back their money.

This means:
It is really nice if you want to support us directly by sending coders or money and we hihgly appreciate it.
But unless we manage to reach the goal here at startnext, all the money that has been collected here will be lost!

So please make sure to make your donation via startnext using any of the available payment methods. If you want to send a coder we will need this value as a monetary sum as well, since we have to collect it first to get it and then we can pay back your bill.

Of course you can still send donations directly after we will have reached the final goal. But still it would be better to do it via startnext, since this will make all donations more transparent for the community. After the 31st of December startnext willl not accept anymore payments though.

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

Grid Elements 2.0
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