Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
In unserem neuen Projekt geht es darum, fertige TYPO3-Pakete bestehend aus Backend-Layouts und Grid-Layouts mit dazu passender Frontend-Ausgabe zu schnüren. Diese sollen später in verschiedenen Varianten, wie z.B. Twitter-Bootstrap, Foundation, YAML eine Basis liefern, auf der konkrete individuelle Themes und Designs aufgesetzt werden können.
04.12.13 - 07.03.14
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
12.000 €
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Final Countdown

Jo Hasenau
Jo Hasenau2 min Lesezeit

Good morning to all fans, friends and supporters of our THEMES project!

The final 10 days of the financing phase are starting this weekend, but even until today a lot of things have been going on.

In the beginning of this year, the worpackages for the TYPO3 CMS core impressively proved that crowd funding is a good way to go for TYPO3. Within just a few days 50.000 € have been collected and additionally developers have been made available by their companies. We sponsored 10 days for performance improvements ourselves.

Due to the delay of the TYPO3 6.2 release date our projects have been of course delayed as well, since with Gridelements 3.0 and THEMES we are building 100% on top of this new LTS release. By now this has changed and we are currently testing first prototypes.

Last but not least the date for our main event this year has finally been fixed: Saturday Sept. 20th 2014 for the first time the T3DUST - Distributions, Usability Solutions and Themes for TYPO3 will be starting. 7 days, with 30 handpicked designers, developers and project managers, in the middle of nowhere to create industry solutions, backend features and design themes for you. The website will be going online soon. If you want to join immediately, just tell us, so you will be put into the pool of candidates.

To get the base packages ready just in time for this event, we need your full support during the next days though. Since we will only be able to use the collected amount after having reached the goal of 12.000€. Should it be less in the end, each amount will be given back to the sponsors. So activate your network, talk to TYPO3 developers, designers and users, since every amount will help to reach the goal.

Together we can contribute this way, to put the TYPO3 community on a wider base again, which will benefit all TYPO3 users in the end.

Lets do it!

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

THEME Packages - Basis für TYPO3 CMS Design-Themes
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