Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
In unserem neuen Projekt geht es darum, fertige TYPO3-Pakete bestehend aus Backend-Layouts und Grid-Layouts mit dazu passender Frontend-Ausgabe zu schnüren. Diese sollen später in verschiedenen Varianten, wie z.B. Twitter-Bootstrap, Foundation, YAML eine Basis liefern, auf der konkrete individuelle Themes und Designs aufgesetzt werden können.
04.12.13 - 07.03.14
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
12.000 €
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Landslide victory for the TYPO3 THEMES Bootstrap Base Package

Jo Hasenau
Jo Hasenau2 min Lesezeit

After a thrilling final day that brought us the necessary 6.000+ Euros to reach the final goal, we now have a winner of the voting that was connected to each of the donations.

Here are the official numbers of the voting.

73 sponsors donated 12,648.- Euros

Foundation has been voted with an amount of 225.- Euros
YAML has been voted with an amount of 700.- Euros
Bootstrap has been voted with an amount of 8,375.- Euros

With 3,348.- Euros the rest of the donations was not connected to a vote for any of the packages.

So after all Twitter Bootstrap is the only package that reached the 6,000.- Euro limit and it got 90% of all votes or 66% of the overall amount.

For the THEMES TEAM this means that we are going to produce the TYPO3 THEMES Bootstrap Base Package now. The rest of the funding will be used to create some ready made design themes for it, which will then be freely available for download.

A big thank you goes to everybody who supported us during the last months, be it as a sponsor or by spreading the word and motivating us.

After all it shows, that we are on the right track.

Have a nice weekend

Petra, Jo and the THEMES Team

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

THEME Packages - Basis für TYPO3 CMS Design-Themes
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