Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
In unserem neuen Projekt geht es darum, fertige TYPO3-Pakete bestehend aus Backend-Layouts und Grid-Layouts mit dazu passender Frontend-Ausgabe zu schnüren. Diese sollen später in verschiedenen Varianten, wie z.B. Twitter-Bootstrap, Foundation, YAML eine Basis liefern, auf der konkrete individuelle Themes und Designs aufgesetzt werden können.
04.12.13 - 07.03.14
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
12.000 €
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News from the THEMES workbench

Petra Hasenau
Petra Hasenau2 min Lesezeit

After the successful financing of our project at the beginning of March there have been a lot of things going on. Now three months full of work are over and the result is already remarkable. Already at the TYpo3 developer days in Eindhoven we are going to present the first version of the Twitter Bootstrap base package during a whole day workshop. People who don't want to wait that long, can have a look at the current version of our Vagrant box at any time. If you want to participiate in the workshop, it would be good idea to install it before.

At the same time, as the photo shows, we are working at a great pace to finalize the promised book "TYPO3 Theming und Distribution", that will be published by O'Reilly. Since it's the German department, there first version will be German too, but we will try to convince them, that it would be a good idea to publish it in English as well. The date will be September 29th and you can buy it directly by us or the usual book traders. Those who sponsored a sufficient amount will of course get the book via mail.

Your T-shirts are in production as well and will be heading to you within the next days. Those who want to order more shirts to support us can do this at our official Cybercr@ft spreadshirt shop at any time. In case you haven't got access to yet, you will get your personal login together with a shirt.

Last but not least there will be T3DUST workshop at the developer days as well. So if you want to actively participate in producing distributiond, usability solutions for the TYPO3 backend or themes for TYPO3, you should save the date. of course you can still participate, in case you can not attend the developer days. You will be informed on the upcoming website soon.

We wish you a nice whitsun weekend :-)

Petra, Jo and the THEMES team

Cybercraft Media Manufactory UG
Petra Hasenau
Zellbach 69
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld Deutschland

USt-IdNr.: DE266722178

THEME Packages - Basis für TYPO3 CMS Design-Themes
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