Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Seeing the unseen - бачити небачене

Das Filmfestival zielt darauf ab, ukrainische unabhängige Autorenfilme dem Berliner und deutschen Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf Filme mit starker Autorenposition, großem künstlerischen Wert und hoher Qualität. Wir wollen den zeitgenössischen ukrainischen Filmemachern eine Stimme geben und das Erscheinungsbild der ukrainischen Kultur neu gestalten, indem wir ihre Dynamik, Vielfalt und Besonderheit unterstreichen. Werde diesen Herbst Teil des UFFB!
29.09.20 - 30.10.20
30.09.2020 - 30.10.2020
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Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.500 €

Deine Unterstützung würde unsere grundlegenden Betriebskosten decken, um die erste hybride Festivalausgabe im Jahr 2020 zu verwirklichen.

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We are launching second funding goal!

Ivanna Kozak
Ivanna Kozak2 min Lesezeit

Dear friends and supporters,

We are very grateful for your help and participation to launch the Ukraianin Film Festival Berlin in November this year. We were very happy to see how fast we managed to reach our first fundraising goal thanks to you! Thank you a lot!

We decided to launch the second funding goal now and will be hoping to reach 500 EUR more for the following reasons. Due to the harsher restrictions for cinemas “popping up” every few weeks in Berlin, we now expect very low number of viewers to watch the films in the cinema at once. So we will need this additional funding in order to increase the number of screenings of our films during the 4 festival days in November, to enable everyone who is interested in our films to see them in the cinema on the big screen!

As we want to be ready for all possible scenarios and not to leave anything to luck, we will try to adapt with our festival to all conditions and at the same time enable our viewers best film festival experience possible under those conditions!

Thank you a lot in advance for your support!

Looking forward to see you all in November!

Your UFFB Team!

CineMova. Ukrainian Film Community Berlin e.V.
Ivanna Kozak
Obentrautstraße 29
10963 Berlin Germany

Eintragung im Vereinsregister Amtsgericht Charlottenburg: VR 37681 B
Steuernummer Finanzamt für Körperschaften I: 27/622/58536
Copyright © CineMova. Ukrainian Film Community Berlin e.V.

Ukrainian Film Festival Berlin
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