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Good vibes kids fashion: sustainable, fair and vegan.

We all know & care about the harm done to animals when it comes to eating them. But think about it: animals are treated just as bad when it comes to exploiting them for raw materials like wool or leather. While there is already a choice of vegan brands & shops for adults, there is no shop which lets you buy kids clothing without harming animals. VEGAN CHILD is pushing for a new ethical standard: sustainable, fair & cruelty-free. We are all in this world together - let's make it beautiful!
21.06.17 - 15.08.17
October 2017
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
30.000 €
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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

Searching cruelty-free kids clothing is cumbersome and time-consuming. While there are stores with vegan fashion for adults these shops are still largely missing for our little fellows. There are more and more specialist stores for green kids fashion, which do care about the workers and environment, but none of them cares about the harm done to animals. Another problem is that whenever we do find vegan products they are often made from synthetic materials. And most of them are produced by companies with nothing to boast about when it comes to how they treat their workers.
We have been waiting a long time for a shop that supplies fair, sustainable and cruelty-free kids clothing. It did not happen. So that is why we decided to make it happen.

VEGAN CHILD is the kids’ fashion shop that lets you buy all you need 100% vegan. But we want to be more than a shop. We want to set new standards in the fashion industry by innovating our clothing. A lot of functional clothing is simply not available in vegan versions. We want to develop new fabrics and mind-blowing garments that are not only as good as non-vegan clothing but which perform better. We have already started our mission. Here is what we have achieved so far:

FIRST: we have been busy sourcing high-quality and yet affordable clothing that meet the high ethical standards you can expect of VEGAN CHILD.

SECOND: we have been working with local producers that run small, undiscovered labels. We want new designs & innovative technologies. We are happy to work with brands that are eager to support our search for high-quality ethical clothing. This is what we believe will be the clothing of the future.

THIRD: We have convinced producers to veganize functional clothing for us that we were missing on the market. We already have some prototypes in our hands and more ideas to be realized after this campaign’s successful funding. Please let us know what you are missing in the market. Don’t be shy - your opinion is precious. Together we will innovate the clothing industry.

VEGAN CHILD is located in Berlin, Germany. So far we have sourced products made in Europe only. We will keep it local as much as we can. This gives us control over working conditions, environmental aspects and product quality. For the start we will focus on basics, shoes and functional clothing for kids up to the age of 7.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

Our goal is to create supply where demand is not met. VEGAN CHILD is place that lets you buy all kinds of garments you need for your kids 100% vegan. No more tedious searching, with VEGAN CHILD you can relax and enjoy fair & cruelty-free clothes for your child that are good for our planet and your child. Let’s dress for the future.

Who is it for? Everybody that loves kids, loves animals and our planet. Celebrate life. Buy consciously.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Do you also believe that life is precious and we should respect every living being? Then you may want to give our idea a try. We believe that clothing does not need to make use of animals to be high-quality. Check our rewards section and convince yourself!

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We will build the online shop VEGAN CHILD, set up the logistics, order the garments that we have already sourced from our producers and broaden our selection. Also, we will develop new garments like vegan winter clothing and shoes that are waiting in the loop to be financed. Want to have a say on what we shall add to the shop? Let us know about your needs on our wall!

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

As a vegan mother of two, Nannette has been challenged to find cruelty-free clothing for her kids with the same functionality as non-vegan clothing that is also sustainable and fair. The frustration going along with the enormous time spent on researching for products that often turned out not to exist have led to the initial spark for VEGAN CHILD. Nannette holds a PhD in economics and founded a statistical consultancy in the past. With VEGAN CHILD she decided to dedicate her work to what she believes really matters.

Luckily Nannette is not designing herself! You can rely on handpicked fashion designers which bring valuable expertise when it comes to developing new designs and assuring the wanted functionality. Her husband Yehuda supports her with profound knowledge in visual communication which is put into action in branding and marketing.

Of course, Nannette has had a lot of support for this project along the way. She is thankful to Shira who developed the early idea of VEGAN CHILD with her. Many thanks go to Assunta who has given her valuable input for this campaign, to Marc and Vetty for improving the language and to Marianne for her excellent work. Her soul mate Anna has opened her eyes to the reality we create for animals with our consumption decision and by doing so gave her all good reasons to go vegan. She is a constant source of inspiration in her honest, conscious and giving way of living. Special thanks go to Yehuda who supports her along the way, in work and in their personal life.

Vegan Child

Das Crowdfunding-Projekt war nicht erfolgreich und kann nicht mehr unterstützt werden.

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Was heißt das?
Ethical Kids Fashion GmbH
Nannette Swed
Schliemannstr. 49
10437 Berlin Germany
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