Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Our only chance to make it happen is with your help! :)

Hello there! We are VIOLET! A young band from Stuttgart (Germany) playing keyboard-heavy 80s inspired AOR. We already recorded one album called 'Illusions' , and since we have so much new material we decided to record a 2nd one! But there's some obstacles: • production costs, • side/session-musicians • mixing • mastering We made up a lot of stuff we can give you back for your support & we hope you are as excited as we are for the upcoming new album! Hear from us soon!
02.05.23 - 27.07.23
Planned: Summer 2023
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 3.000 €

• production costs,
• side/session-musicians,
• mixing,
• mastering

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Filip Kuzanski
Lange Straße 99
70794 Filderstadt Deutschland

01.07.23 - Since we won't reach even the 6000€, we...

Since we won't reach even the 6000€, we decided to put it down on 3000€, so we get the money you payed & you can get the products you ordered!

Thank you for your Support!

22.05.23 - We put our goal down to 6.000€ since if we do...

We put our goal down to 6.000€ since if we do not reach the 15.000€ mark, we won't be able to send you what you booked & we wouldn't receive anything of your support, so we decided it would be safer for both sides if we set the goal a bit down!
Thank you for your support, and keep on sharing!
We're half way there!?

Violet Crowdfunding - 2nd Album
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