Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

And your help is really appreciated!

We ran out of fuel and laser bats are coming to get us. Help us earn shitloads of money by buying our records to get enough cash for fuel. Otherwise, the mighty Space Vampyres will haunt you!
31.08.18 - 07.10.18
End of 2018
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.000 €

If we reach 1000,- EUR, we paid our dues. Like Anastasia.
We will make all the goodies, but it will be tough without a spaceship.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

It's mostly about conquering the world in rattlesnake boots and denim jackets.
For this, we need to spread our message in the form of CDs, Vinyl records, t-shirts, and stickers.

As we figured out recently, these cost money. 2500,- EUR to be precise. With your help, we will bribe a label to make these things for us.

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

If you like rock'n'roll, then you are probably in our target group.
Since we have laser raptors, pretty much anyone is in our target group, but let's say people who like rock'n'roll.

And laser raptors. And naked witches from outer space, astro ghouls and pretty much everything that would grow in a desert in outer space that was created by the devil.

Oh, and if you have money to spare that would be killer.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

Well, if you are still with us, reading this shit, then there is a good chance that you share our beliefs in intergalactic space gods and that you like the music playing in the background of the video.

Keep us riding this train by buying some goodies and we will keep on rocking you until enternity. On laser raptors.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

If we reach 1000,- we can stay on this planet a little longer.
All our dues so far will be paid and our space landlord will remove the cat-tailed robo-skunk from our crypt door.

If we reach 2500,- there will be vinyl.
Oh yes, the only way to listen to this kind of music without your heads exploding. We will shower this planet with vinyl records, because we will have some money to spare on bribing a label to make these for us. And we will celebrate by having a candy bar and one of these cricket lollipops, each.

If there should be 10.000,- or more... well, we haven't thought of that amount of money yet...
Ok, if you know a film maker who would make an epic 20-minute ultra space blast Conan-like animation movie for this album, we would probably spent the money on that.
And another one of these cricket lollipops to share among the four of us.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Ye olde Mothman.

Patrick Djuga
Yorckstraße, 11
65195 Wiesbaden Deutschland
We are KVINNA. This is Türborock
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