Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010
Eine wahres Abenteuer! Zwei Filmemacher. Zwei Monate. Eine nervenaufreibende Fahrradtour durch die faszinierende und gefährdete Welt von MADAGASKAR. Ihre Mission wird die Welt verändern. Ein innovativer Film über Ideen, Leidenschaft und Hoffnung.
15.03.12 - 14.04.12
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): €
5.000 €
Film / Video
Widget einbinden


BA Klara Harden
BA Klara Harden1 min Lesezeit

Follow our travels through Madagascar on our blog! It's been quite an adventure up to now and we've seen stunning places and interviewed amazing people!


30.08.12 - The trailer is on-line now! have a look and...

The trailer is on-line now! have a look and enjoy on

10.04.12 - All supporters of our project listet here on...

All supporters of our project listet here on our projects website!

08.04.12 - Another sponsor got interested in our project...

Another sponsor got interested in our project and we've got over 60% funded! GREAAT! Thanks to all 66 supporters! Only 6 days left so spread the word and support! THANK YOU AMAZING PEOPLE!

24.03.12 - We've got a great and gifted sound-designer...

We've got a great and gifted sound-designer on board now! Martin Wiese ( will help us in the post-production to get Madagascar and it's wildlife closer to you!

21.03.12 - Neues Video on-line mit Film-Material aus...

Neues Video on-line mit Film-Material aus Marocco/Österreich/Island!New Video on-line with footage from Marocco/Austria/Iceland. Available with sub-titles asap.!

15.03.12 - Hello supporters,we have finally restructured...

Hello supporters,we have finally restructured our project and our travel plans. Herewith, we are now on-line again in order to make this film come true. Still, the aim of our trip is a documentary that brings Madagascar and it's current issues closer to the viewer: YOU! We want to inspire the audience, and film is our medium.We'll supply everyone who wants to get involved with information about projects and organisations on Madagascar.To make sure our project is coming true, we are talking to sponsors, start cooperations and applie for film-funding in Styria/Austria. Due to this we can now continue our StartNext campaign with a corrected budget aim. That effects all current supporters, meaning that the arrival of their post-cards, Skype-chats and letters sticks to the plan.For all you future supporters: our development means new opportunity for becoming part of this project and receive a great "Thank you" for your support.Note:We've made it into media attention recently. Have a look at and join the discussion there or post a comment on our startnext blog.Thanks, hugs and have a good time,K+KLiebe Supporter,nach einer kurzen Projektpause und Umgestaltung der Reiseplanung sind wir nun wieder online, denn wir wollen dieses Projekt unbedingt mit Euch verwirklichen.Ziel unserer Reise ist ein Dokumentarfilm für Euch und viele Erkenntnisse für uns alle. Wir hoffen unser Film wird Euch inspirieren und Madagaskar und seine aktuellen Probleme näher bringen. All denjenigen die danach motiviert sind Hilfe zu leisten, werden wir die wichtigsten Informationen für aktives Engagement liefern.Damit das Ziel in greifbare Nähe rückt, haben wir mit Partnern gesprochen, kleine Kooperationen geschmiedet und eine Filmförderung beantragt. Aus diesem Grunde können wir nun mit einem korrigierten Budget online gehen. Für alle die schon unterstützt haben, bedeutet dies, dass Eure Dankeschöns in greifbare Nähe gerückt sind. Für alle die noch Teil des Projektes werden wollen gilt: „Jetzt unterstützen, bevor es nicht mehr geht!“Lest gerne auch im Interview mit der Zeit nach: und beteiligt Euch an der dort stattfindenden Diskussion zum Projekt oder schreibt hier auf unsere Pinnwand.Mit Dank und GrüßenK+K

11.03.12 - Thank you for supporting our project. Due to...

Thank you for supporting our project. Due to renewal of our project- structure we now also include material sponsoring and government aid to make WITH LOVE from MADAGASCAR come true- and therefore don't have to reach the full sum of our crowd-funding here within the set up time frame.If you already are a supporter, you will retrieve your contribution back. You can still follow the progress of WITH LOVE from MADAGASCAR on and support this project on our website.DANKE für deine Unterstützung! Thanks for your support! Yihaaa!Klara Harden- Karsten Prühl

05.03.12 - WITH LOVE FROM MADAGASCAR is now sponsored by...

WITH LOVE FROM MADAGASCAR is now sponsored by will include the sponsoring in the crowdfund asap.

04.03.12 - We have another very short and clear pitch...

We have another very short and clear pitch for you to share with your friends:

28.02.12 - We will visit Operation Wallacea in the South...

We will visit Operation Wallacea in the South of Madagascar:

28.02.12 - WHY "With love from Madagascar" Klara?Watch:...

WHY "With love from Madagascar" Klara?Watch:

WITH LOVE FROM MADAGASCAR Klara Hardens new Adventure Documentary
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