Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Introducing & partnership of Ntombi Langa Radio Project to media houses in Namibia, Tanzania and Burkina Faso:

Information ecosystems: Setting up structures in countries in the Sub-Sahara: establishing local teams that will creat and share information that cover topics on community development: complimenting existing radio clubs to create and sharing gender-based themes. Inspiring civil dialog and participation; gently facilitating gender relevant themes and highlighting diverse voices and experiences already existing in communities.
23.06.23 - 31.08.23
01.10.2023 to 31.12.2023
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 7.000 €

-Purchase of Radio equipment;-Seminare costs & workshops in three African countries, Namibia, Tanzania, & Burkina Faso

Social Business
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Ntombi Langa Radio gUG
Nomazulu Roseline Thata-Peltzer
Lehmhorsterstrasse 17
28779 Bremen Deutschland

gUG ist bereits beantragt: im Bearbeitung bei Finanzamt

17.07.23 - The amount to afford a journey to three...

The amount to afford a journey to three African countries: Namibia, Tanzania and Burkina Faso to set up radio structures will require about EUR 7000.

17.07.23 - The amount to afford a journey to three...

The amount to afford a journey to three African countries: Namibia, Tanzania and Burkina Faso to set up radio structures will require about EUR 5000.

17.07.23 - The crowdfunders can give any amount they...

The crowdfunders can give any amount they want to give without fixed level

24.06.23 - Setting up structures in three countries...

Setting up structures in three countries
Seminare and workshops in Africa
Radio equipments

24.06.23 - Setting up structures in three countries...

Setting up structures in three countries
Seminare and workshops in Africa
Radio equipments

Setting structures in Bremen Namibia Tanzania Burkina Faso
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