Crowdfinanzieren seit 2010

Podcast journey and creative research about sustainable living & regenerative human culture

YURAMIN podcasts are here to support the transition into a regenerative human culture. Our mission is to spread ancient knowledge as well as new methods about how to live with nature sustainably. For this we travel across Europe to meet the "guardians of the land", healers, permacultureists, community founders, activists,… inspiring people who generously open their doors to receive us and share their experience and precious knowledge.
24.11.21 - 01.02.22
During the year 2022
Website & Social Media
Mindestbetrag (Startlevel): 1.500 €

Travel expenses, technical equipment and working hours to release ten more episodes of *YURAMIN - Guardians of the Land* as well as creating a project website.

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Worum geht es in dem Projekt?

We are on a journey from grey to green, from consumerism to a sustainable life in nature.
There is so much we need to learn.
How do we grow our own food, for example, and how to live together in communities?
How can we heal ourselves and become part of healing for our earth?
How can dance, art and music help us with this?
Which alternatives exist for raising our children?
What about compost toilets, water harvest, natural building, wild food or plant medicines?

During our research we visit inspiring people who are already walking the path with nature.
With our podcast project we want to share what we learn and give voice to experienced healers, permacultureists, community founders, herbal witches, tree-specialists and many more „guardians of the land“.
Topics for the new episodes could be:
•communal living
•permaculture knowledge
•water harvest and retention
•natural building

Was sind die Ziele und wer ist die Zielgruppe?

This podcast is for everybody who is curious about sustainable living and feel the call to make the transition towards a regenerative human culture as well.
Our goal is to release ten more episodes and to create an own project website where they can be published.
Additionally we want to share artistic informative illustrations which can be used for homeschooling, garden planing and to deepen our knowledge about plants.

Warum sollte jemand dieses Projekt unterstützen?

We are only able to continue our project with full dedication, if we receive some support from our listeners.

Was passiert mit dem Geld bei erfolgreicher Finanzierung?

We are going to focus on the next ten episodes, which will be released during the year of 2022.
Also there are plans to create a website as a base for sharing the podcast as well as artistic informative illustrations and a networking map of communities and projects we have been visiting.

Wer steht hinter dem Projekt?

Isabel and Diogo are walking the path towards natural living together since two years, growing, learning and researching on how to live together in a symbiotic relation with our mother earth.
Their passions are visual art, crafting instruments, west African music, herbal medicines, contact dance, gardening, yoga, wild foods, and many more ;)

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