English Version
Wir hätten gar nicht gedacht, dass unsere Community ausserhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums Anklang findet. Danke fürs Teilen über die Sprachgrenzen hinaus. Leider können wir die Kampagnentexte im laufenden Betrieb nicht ändern. Deswegen stellen wir hiermit die wichtigsten Texte für alle in englisch zur Verfügung.
Combatting loneliness together
You can’t choose your family? – with us you can!
Our online-platform tries to bring together people who are looking for community and want to revolutionize living-forms! Our aim is to help community seekers by solving the problem of lengthy searches for like-minded people or suitable housing projects. You can’t choose your family? With us you can! Through our platform, we bring people together with equal desires, ideas and life philosophies.
Why should you support this project?
Everyone should be able to live the way they want. If you are looking for companionship within a partnership or nuclear family, you should be able to find people who want the same, and share the same values and have similar notions about life. To assist/aid this search in the best possible way, we need your support!
Where does your money go?
We use the funding primarily for the programming of our matching algorithm. The aim is to enable the creation of an individual profile for the searcher as well as for existing housing projects and use these to match suitable companions. The conceptual and design phases for this have been completed and the first features have already been implemented. Through the Crowdfunding, we want to finance the implementation of the first publicly available version.