Lift up 25 individuals across the globe who make the world a better place.
#25ImpactLeaders is an initiative by WaveMakers to find & fund 25 inspiring people. Every individual or company can be part as a loud or silent investor, as a mentor, as a donor or as an influencer. WaveMakers provides leadership training, mentor matching, networking and project promotion for each impact leaders. We are now in the final round: 5 impact leaders are yet to be found. Join our impact project now or read more about it on:
02.11.23 -
We started the project in July
Finanzierungsziel: 6.000 €
Aktuell haben wir bereits 20 Impact Leader gefunden unter die Unterstützungsleistungen in die Wege geleitet. Für die letzte Projektphase wollen wir die verbleibenden 5 Impact Leader finden und fördern.