The last weeks were intense and exciting: We have launched a crowdfunding campaign, a beta version of the Atlas of Torture and spread the word about the project to as many people as possible!
We have received an amazing amount of messages ensuring support and cooperation. With your help, we have already reached 62% of our funding goal but still need 19.000€ to establish the Atlas of Torture.
Based on the positive feedback, we are convinced that with your support we will be able to achieve 100% in the next two weeks. Therefore, we prolonged our campaign until 26 July 2018.
So far, numerous eminent experts supported our project with testimonial videos (available at our blog here):
- Markus Jäger (Council of Europe)
- Mari Amos (UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture)
- Pau Pérez-Sales (World Psychiatric Association)
- Matylda Pogorzelska & Jonas Grimheden (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights)
- Rachel Murray (University of Bristol)
- Richard Carver (Oxford Brookes University)
- Josef Pröll (President of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society)
- Krassimir Kanev (Bulgarian Helsinki Committee)
If you want to know more on this project, read the articles from the Austrian press coverage on the Atlas of Torture:
- Ö1 (Radio, not available anymore)
- Wiener Zeitung
- Standard
- Presse
- Profil
Please support us, stay informed and spread the word!