Crowdfunding since 2010

1000 nesting boxes - not only a matter of the heart of our association but also a clear message to politics and business - the power of community

Nature and environmental education is of great importance for our society. As part of our dual campaign "1000 Nesting Boxes for Dresden" & "Spatzennest - Nature Education for Dresden" we would like to bring together business and social institutions. It is not only our concern to install more than 1000 nesting boxes until 2030, but at the same time to strengthen the awareness for nature and environmental protection among children. Achieve more together!
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Funding period
12/5/22 - 1/8/23
We start in January 2023
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Primary sustainable development goal
Life on land

What is this project all about?

After the foundation of our association at the beginning of 2021 and the successful installation of numerous nesting boxes this spring, we would like to expand our portfolio with nature and environmental education programs starting in the coming school year. In the beginning, we rely on a close cooperation with the daycare center "Haus der fröhlichen Kinder" in Dresden Tolkewitz. However, our offers are basically open and accessible to all children and families.

As an association with a focus on animal protection, we have a strong connection to nature and would like to bring the importance of an intact environment and its beauty closer to people again.
Children have a light-hearted view of the world, are open to new impressions and, due to their high level of empathy, are open to problems and suggestions. This is where we would like to start and create a new connection to nature through a playful and sustainable approach. We convey important basic knowledge about flora and fauna as well as connections between humans, nature and the environment.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Our target group are children from 4 years, families, but also daycare centers and schools. We would like to work directly with institutions, but also offer recreational activities on evenings and weekends. Our actions and offers are carried out by expert staff and planned by educators.

Why would you support this project?

Digital media are no substitute for contact with nature and its plants and animals. Today, daycare centers and schools can only make this connection possible with difficulty, and so it is hardly surprising that nature appears to many children and young people as something foreign and distant.
We want to restore the connection to nature and the environment and make it possible to build up a carefree relationship to our environment in a playful and exciting way. With your donation you help us to make this project possible.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With this campaign we would like to lay the foundation for our planned initiative. We already have to have something to show for contacting companies and we also have to print the first advertising material to promote our cause.
The entire printing of all documents costs probably 600-700 € and contains beside posters and flyers above all the educational materials for children and educators. We hope to be able to finance at least half of the costs through our Startnext campaign. Every euro we receive over and above the printing costs will go directly into the production of new nesting boxes.

Who are the people behind the project?

Since the beginning of 2021, we have been involved as a Dresden association in animal protection and in imparting knowledge about species-appropriate design of gardens and green spaces.
We manufacture nesting boxes for birds and insects and work together with cemeteries, daycare centers, schools and property owners to install them. Starting in the 2021/2022 school year, we will expand our portfolio with nature and environmental education offerings, drawing on extensive expertise.

Nistkasten Dresden

What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal

Life on land

Why does this project contribute to this goal?

Our primary goal is to create suitable breeding habitats for endangered species in urban areas. Through the targeted installation of suitable nesting aids, we promote the stabilization of the population of wild birds in cities.

Die Neugierde der Kinder ist der Wissensdurst nach Erkenntnis, darum sollte man diese in ihnen fördern und ermutigen. (John Locke)
This project has passed the Startnext check up.
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Nistkästen für Dresden e. V.
Jan-Eric Dreßler
Zamenhofstraße 55
01257 Dresden Deutschland

Nistkästen für Dresden e. V.
Jan-Eric Dreßler
Zamenhofstraße 55
01257 Dresden Deutschland
Email [email protected]

Impressum – Verantwortlich für diese Seite:(nach § 55 I Nr. 1 RStV , § 55 I Nr. 2 RStV , § 55 II RStV , § 5 I Nr. 4 TMG)

Nistkästen für Dresden e.V.

Sitz des Vereins:
Zamenhofstraße 5501257 Dresden

Jan-Eric Dreßler
Zamenhofstraße 5501257 Dresden

Telefon: +49 173 / 992 82 64
Fax: +49 351 / 312 72 916
E-Mail: [email protected]

Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:Jan-Eric Dreßler

Registergericht: Amtsgericht DresdenRegisternummer: VR 11745

Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher gemäß § 55 Abs. 2 RStV:Jan-Eric Dreßler

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Nach der EU-Verordnung Nr. 524/2013 über die Online-Streitbeilegung in Verbraucherangelegenheiten ist für Verbraucher die Möglichkeit vorgesehen, Streitigkeiten mit Unternehmern im Zusammenhang mit Online-Kaufverträgen oder Online-Dienstleistungsverträgen außergerichtlich über eine Online-Plattform (OS-Plattform) beizulegen. Diese Plattform wurde von der EU-Kommission eingerichtet und über den folgenden Link zugänglich gemacht:

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1000 nesting boxes for Dresden
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