Crowdfunding since 2010

A short film about self perception and the seductiveness of images.

The power and seductiveness of images is bigger than ever in the age of digital media. Our story is about is how we see ourselves versus how we look at others. Our protagonist Ada gets hold of pictures of her doppelgänger through coincidence. These images act like a magical mirror for her. Adas imagination is sparked and her self-image changes entirely.
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Funding period
2/20/23 - 3/26/23
April-June 2023
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 3,400 €

The money will be used to cover all production costs so that we can make our film.

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Ziel erreicht!

Zoe Andreadou
Zoe Andreadou1 min Lesezeit

(english version below)

Liebe Unterstützer*innen,

dank eurer Hilfe haben wir unsere Zielsumme von 3.400,-€ erreicht. Dafür sind wir euch sehr dankbar. Ende April fangen endlich die Dreharbeiten an und mit dabei sind einige echte Hingucker-Locations - zum Beispiel die Gemäldegalerie Berlin. Wir freuen uns riesig auf die Zusammenarbeit mit den Menschen dahinter und sind gespannt, was uns auf dieser Reise noch erwartet. Danke für eure Starthilfe! Das nächste Update erfolgt dann während den Dreharbeiten.

Liebe Grüße
das Abzüge Filmteam

Dear supporters,

Thanks to your help, we have reached our goal of €3,400. We are so very grateful! Filming will finally start at the end of April and there will be some real eye-catcher locations - for example the Gemäldegalerie Berlin. The whole team has been working hard and we are very excited to be finally able to make our film a reality. Thank you for your help, this wouldn't have been possible without you! Our next update will be during the shoot.

All the best,
the Abzüge Film Crew

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