Crowdfunding since 2010

Herbal Wisdom and insights from the world of fairytales and old traditions will be unified in little films to enchant the small and the tall.

Amalindens Alchemichal Chest is a project which will offer knowledge in littel videos in the internet about the following disciplines: healing herbs, fairytales, traditions, creative workshops. New connections will be shown and it shall amuse and enrichen the horizons of the young and the old. In addition to that, there will be an old luggage which I will carry around for my excursions and it will appear regularily in my films as well.
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Funding period
10/16/18 - 12/14/18
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 4,500 €

technical equipment, camera, stativ, light, Macbook, Microphone, , Thankyous, Porto, honoring the helpers, luggage and equipment

Oldenburg in Holstein
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What is this project all about?

In October my business becomes 13 years old, a good reason to create something new. Until today people can read me or listen to me while excursions. But now I would like to make little films and video presentations to reach more people. Therefore I need the right equipment (Camera, microphone, computer...) In the same time, I would like to add a natural counter piece to it: "Amalindens' Alchemistenkiste" (Amalindens' alchemical chest) which shall come to life parallel. An antique luggage filled with countless boxes, that contain the strangest things around herbs, fairytales and myths. It will accompany me on my excursions and it will appear regularly in my films.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

-Spreading herbal wisdom and old customs
-opening new horizons with fairytales
- showing connections between herbs and fairytales
- inspiration through new ways of thinking
- joy, fun and humour
- recreation

Target Group:
All age groups that are interested in herbs and fairytales. I am prepared to make films for the smallest and the oldest and all ages in between. And I am open for ideas and suggestions from others. I am wondering how I could realize bilingual films...and of course I am intending to visit kindergartens and schools with the prepared luggage. Maybe a social club invites me or I could entertain a familyparty.

Why would you support this project?

It brings knowledge in an amusing way.
It is inspiring on many levels.
It is fairytale.
It brings lightness.
It shows new interconnections.
It opens up new horizons.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

First of allI need technical equipment to be able to make films: MacBook, camera, light and other needed parts around hardware and software. In edition I want to honor the work of my friend, who made the pitchvideo and will coach me in the future. I will buy some boxes and other things on antique markets to create and style the luggage. And I would love to honor the friend who will assist me in this. A part of the money will be needed to buy and send the "Thank Yous". If there is more money coming in than I planned for, the rest will be used to visit institutions like kindergarten etc. which don't have the budget to pay for a fairytale-event.

Who are the people behind the project?

My name is Amely Gräfin Platen. I have founded my business "Amalind" 13 years ago. I am offering herbalexcursions and fairytale-events.

Legal notice
Amely Gräfin Platen
Farve 4c
23758 Wangels Deutschland
Amalindens Alchemical Chest
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