Crowdfunding since 2010

The collective “An Ga Bin Ka Bara Kin” (Let's Work Together) would like to build a kiosk in front of their studio. Let's support them!

In Burkina Faso artists usually live in financially strained circumstances too. The construction of the kiosk is intended to stabilize the income situation of the artists' collective “An Ga Bin, Ka Bara Kin” from Bobo - Dioulasso by giving them the opportunity to sell their products (traditional clothing/instruments), drinks and food, as well as to organize concerts and establish a social meeting place in the district.
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Funding period
9/18/24 - 10/31/24
from 0ctober 2024
Funding goal: 3,333 €

Die reinen Material - und Baukosten für den Kiosk betragen 2500€
Nehmen wir noch Gebühren, Versandkosten, Anschubfinanzierung kommen wir auf 3333€ :)
Wer mehr geben kann, sichert die Anschubfinanzierung und das finanzielle Polster des Kollektiv

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What is this project all about?

The collective “An Ga Bin - Ka Bara Kin” (LET'S WORK TOGETHER) from Bobo Dioulasso (Burkina Faso) is looking for supporters to finance the construction of their kiosk.
The collective consists of Aminata Konaté and Mamadou Kaboré and makes traditional clothing, builds instruments, gives concerts, workshops and courses for children and young people in the neighborhood. They live in Bobo - Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goals of the collective are as follows:

Secure livelihood
Workplace and workshop (clothing/musical instruments)
Sales stand for own products
Concert venue for networking
Social meeting place

Why would you support this project?

The artists approached me and asked me to support them with their idea. I thought it was a good idea. It is something very concrete and can stabilize the financially difficult situation of the artists on the one hand and create a social meeting place in the neighbourhood at the same time. Anyone who would like to support this very concrete idea is welcome to join us.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The money will be transferred in 2 installments.
The first installment will be used to lay the foundation, initiate the basic construction work, and purchase and install basic materials.
The second installment will be used to purchase the remaining materials (refrigerator, kitchenette, tools, painting work, PA system, technology for concerts, etc.) and complete the kiosk so that it can be opened.

Who are the people behind the project?

Mamadou Kaboré (artist) - Burkina Faso
Aminata Konaté (artist) - Burkina Faso
Arystan Petzold (artist) - Germany [url=[/url]

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"An Ga Bin Ka Bara Kin" - Kioskbau - Burkina Faso
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