Crowdfunding since 2010

"A and O. Anna and Grandma. Young and old. East and West. A film that the world needs more than ever!"

In the film "A and O," the 25-year-old computer science student Anna immerses herself in the life of her 72-year-old grandmother, the photographer Ingrid, who, along with her husband, runs a private gallery in East Germany. In 1983, she is expelled as an enemy of the state, finds a new home in Cologne, and eventually returns, continuing to critically examine both worlds to this day. Through the eyes of her granddaughter, the film unfolds the reality of her grandmother's life.
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Funding period
9/12/23 - 12/7/23
Autum 2023 bis Spring 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): 21,000 €

Realisierung des Films A und O. Filmaufnahmen und Postproduktion.

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What is this project all about?

In the Pirate Probestudios at Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg, the bass thumps. At the mixing desk: 25-year-old computer science student Anna. Her goal: to conquer the male-dominated DJ world. Anna has been living in Berlin for two years. It's a city where she sometimes feels lost: "when no one really listens anymore, when everyone does their own thing."

And when something occupies Anna's mind, she exchanges thoughts with her 72-year-old grandmother, the photographer Ingrid Bahss. Far away from the bustling Berlin, she immerses herself in Ingrid's Cologne Südstadt apartment, packed with books, images, and photos - witnesses to an exciting life, rich in crises and upheavals.

The Corona pandemic has been captured by Ingrid in a photographic diary, and as Anna and Ingrid browse through it, they unconsciously open up the past like a long-forgotten book. The lines in front of the stores, the empty shelves, the mistrust towards other people - there it is again, the old GDR homeland, hated yet loved: "We lived in a society where it was about 'we' and not so much about 'I'," says Ingrid. For granddaughter Anna, born after the fall of the Wall, a life in a gray homogeneous mass where individuality doesn't play a role.

But it's also a world so foreign to her that she wants to dive into the adventure of exploring it. Together, they embark on a journey to the stations of Ingrid's life. An adventurous search for traces, where the reality of grandma unfolds in the mirror of her granddaughter's eyes.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Was sind die Ziele, wer ist die Zielgruppe
In Zeiten, in denen sich die Gräben zwischen Ost und West, jung und alt in einer zunehmend gespaltenen Gesellschaft vertiefen, zeigen Anna und Oma, dass unterschiedliche Lebenswirklichkeiten, Meinungen und Ansichten nicht zwangsläufig zu einem Riss in den Beziehungen führen müssen.
Dabei versucht der Film auch Antworten zu geben auf die Frage, wie beeinflusst das Leben in einer Diktatur, bzw. In einer Demokratie, nicht nur das Leben im Hier und Jetzt, sondern auch das Leben nachfolgender Generationen.

Ein Film für alle Menschen, die sich die Frage stellen, wie kann man dafür sorgen, dass der Austausch zwischen den Generationen nicht zum Verstummen kommt und wie Anna und Oma ein Leben zwischen den Generationen meistern, sich trotz unterschiedlicher Meinungen immer wieder zusammen raufen und vielleicht ein Beispiel dafür sein können wie wir leben, vor allen Dingen wie wir zusammen leben können

Why would you support this project?

In times when the divides between East and West, young and old deepen in an increasingly divided society, Anna and Grandma show that different life realities, opinions, and views do not necessarily have to lead to a rupture in relationships. The film also attempts to provide answers to the question of how living in a dictatorship or in a democracy influences not only the present, but also the lives of subsequent generations.

A film for all those who ponder how to ensure that the exchange between generations does not fall silent, and how Anna and Grandma master a life between generations, coming together despite differing opinions, and perhaps serve as an example of how we live, especially how we can live together.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

With the proceeds from the crowdfunding campaign on Startnext, we aim to finance the remaining film shoots in Cologne, Berlin, Werben, and Magdeburg, as well as the extensive finalization of the film (editing, grading, sound design, audio mixing, and music) - thereby ensuring the financial completion of the documentary.

The funds will be allocated for:

Travel and accommodation expenses
Technical equipment
Fair compensation for team members (director, camera, and sound)
Fair payment in post-production (direction, editing, color correction, sound design, audio mixing, music, graphics)
Studio rentals (editing and sound studios)

Who are the people behind the project?

Agir Media, Originally specialized in Turkey, the opportunity arose during the travel restrictions of the COVID-19 era to finally realize the film about the photographer Ingrid Bahss, whom I have known for a long time and whose eventful life story has fascinated me for a long time. Through her granddaughter Anna, the special aspect of seeing this story with "young eyes" has been added.

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12/4/23 - Ihr Lieben, wir haben bis heute schon so...

Ihr Lieben,

wir haben bis heute schon so viel erreicht - nämlich 93 Prozent! Eigentlich war unser Ziel 22000 Euro - vor denen wir knapp davorstehen!

Aber 21000 Euro wären auch fantastisch! Darum dachten wir in Anbetracht der verbleibenden Zeit - nämlich genau drei Tage noch - setzen wir unser Ziel herunter und hoffen, dass ihr noch einige Euros in unser Projekt stecken könnt! Wir freuen uns über jeden Einzelnen! :)

Herzliche Grüße von eurem Anna und Oma Team

11/7/23 - Wir verlängern unsere Finanzierungsphase...

Wir verlängern unsere Finanzierungsphase einmalig, um noch ein bisschen Zeit zu haben, weitere Sepnder zu finden! Vielen Dank bis hierhin!

Mit 75 Prozent stehen wir kurz vor dem Ziel. <3

Herzliche Grüße von eurem Anna und Oma Team


Social Net(t)Work

Golrokh Esmaili, Social Media Marketing

Anna und Oma
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