Crowdfunding since 2010
Art&Craft is an Online – Shop for hand – and heartmade products from all around the world. The project was launched by the charitable organization twotoone. The goal of this shop is to support local producers, whereby we mainly concentrate on young artists and women. At the same time we build an unique online market with treasures from all around the world and through this, build bridges between people and cultures.
Funding period
9/12/14 - 10/31/14
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
7,500 €
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What is this project all about?

Through our occupation in faraway countries, we again and again got in contact with local artists, aid organizations and cooperatives, which produce unique art and craft, but can´t reach any profitable market with it. The reasons are various; mostly there is a lack of know-how in marketing and selling their products, sometimes art is repressed by politics and in many cases the producer is confronted with a wide spread lack of interest and / or understanding towards his passion. With the intention to support exactly such producers, especially young ones and women, and with the idea to create a unique market for this unbelievable treasures, we launched the online shop called Art&Craft.
We hereby only act as a mediator between producer and customer. As the idea of supporting keeps an important element, we don´t ask for any commission. The customers themselves decide whether they wanna pledge something for our work of building up and maintaining Art&Craft or not.

But for establishing such a shop on the market you need to invest! And as we don´t have any funds for this, we started this campaign. Our goal is it to become profitable with Art&Craft till the end of the year and that´s what we need your support for!

Besides this social aspect of the shop we focus on the uniqueness of the presented products. So we only distribute art &craft with a personal story, which is made by trusted persons with their hearts - “Things with soul”! There is no room for mass production, we totally place value on hand and heartmade things!

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Goal of this campaing
First goal of this campaign it is to establish Art&Craft on the market. It´s more than a year ago we launched the shop but till now there was never enough time nor money to invest in it properly, the potential isn´t tapped. A successful ending of this campaign is determining for the further future of Art&Craft and will have a big impact on the financially independence of twotoone, which again would facilitate our work a lot. Because till this days we keep dependent on the mood of donaters and foundations, which doesn´t make it easy to plan and work efficiently.

Goals of Art&Craft
In their home countries artists and craftsman often face big challenges to live a life in dignity just with their passion.
The goal of Art&Craft is to connect such persons and groups to potential customers through the internet. In this way we give a creative impact to a social sustainable and fair minded society.
Through campaigning for understanding and building bridges between cultures we want to promote this young artists and local craft. Moreover the support of people in difficult situations as well the propagation of individual art is an important aspect of our work. And finally our price concept, which is based on mutual trust, shall be thoughts- provoking and inspiring and our work is an obvious stand against our modern throw-away society.

Why would you support this project?

If art, solidarity and a harmonic world lie at your heart, then you have every reason to support this campaign, that´s what we are aiming at!
We give a creative impact on a better world and enable young artists and craftsmen to live their life in dignity. Through supporting them on their way, we promote social- critical art and traditional craft.
So even besides the unique gifts there are plenty of good reasons to support our campaign! Check it out, convince yourself and support this unique project for a common future! Thank you!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

The profit out of this campaign allows us to guide the charitable organization into a financial independence and to establish Art&Craft on the market. We especially want to invest in the following four fields.

1. Extensions for the online-Shop
2. New Logo for the shop
3. Advertising material
4. Funds for one further year contacting producers in Eastern Africa

So a successful ending of this campaign guarantees for a survival of Art&Craft as well of the charitable organization twotoone and their moral concept.

Who are the people behind the project?

twotoone is an independent, non- governmental organization, which since 2014 is registered as a society in Buochs (CH). The organization gives an impact to a social sustainable society through the distribution of solidarity and art.
The organization was founded by the German photographer Antje Schley and the Swiss Philipp Weiersmüller, which since ever are managing it. Volunteers, Freelancer, friends and supporters from all around the world provide a colorful, creative and international mix. Within the meaning of our slogan: Together we can!” Everybody can get part of this project.


Legal notice
twotoone Verein
Philipp Weiersmüller
Fischmattstrasse 8
6374 Buochs Schweiz

Geschäftsführer: Antje Schley & Philipp Weiersmüller


Sherpa Outdoor

Sherpa the independent Swiss Outdoor label which has originated in 2003 from a support project has, in spite of fast growth in the last years, not yet forgotten it´s roots and continue supporting projects which contribute to a social sustainable future. Projects like ours.

one world

“one world” is a twenty years old charity network, that binds itself to cultural exchange between young people. They are running different projects in India and Libanon and support twotoone.


SGG is the swiss charitable society, and as it is mentioned in the name, they concentrate on the common good. They support projects which contribute to this common good and ours is one of them.

Art&Craft - things with soul
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