Crowdfunding since 2010

Building the Bridge between the economic and science landscape

After we founded ASTRA at the end of 2020 with the goal to be the first European student group that is able to reach space with a self-built hybrid-rocket, we couldn't have dreamt how much greater our impact and purpose really is. In the meantime we have grown to about 80 interdisciplinary, active students, which form the bridge between the economic and scientific side of Bremen.
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Funding period
3/9/23 - 5/26/23
Finished in 2024
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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Primary sustainable development goal

What is this project all about?

Space City Bremen: How we support our home through social and scientific projects

Who does not know the Hanseatic city of Bremen?
Be it the Bremen Town Musicians, the UNESCO World Heritage Site consisting of the Town Hall and Roland, the beer garden promenade at the "Schlachte" or the Bremen Drop Tower.

But we are more than that!

On the campus of the University of Bremen, including the technology park, and in the industrial area, Bremen offers a wide range of aerospace companies such as DLR, Airbus, Ariane Group, ESA BIC and many more, which not only enjoy a high international reputation, but also to train and further educate the relevant specialists.

Nevertheless, student offers for practical experience are not only a rarity, they only offer limited access to solving actual challenges.

And we close exactly this gap!

  • Scientific work in space travel, even during your studies
  • Consolidation of theoretical knowledge coupled with actual practical experience
  • Taking on team leadership, project management, event management, accounting and controlling are just some of the possible areas of application within Astra.
  • Inexpensive testing of "Proof-of-Concepts" in a professional, ambitious environment
  • Expansion of the scientific landscape and the regional network
  • Increasing the attractiveness of Bremen as a location for international students and companies

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

Specifically, we will invest all the support from our campaign in our project "Karman", where we will be the first student organization in Europe to be able to reach space with a self-made hybrid rocket.

Bremen is thus becoming a real space city and is getting the attention it deserves. On the one hand, we will be able to show that the educational standard in Bremen can keep up nationally and, on the other hand, we can offer the necessary specialist staff that the industry is so desperately looking for.

The Karman project is therefore a prestige project that not only provides local and short-term, but long-term and at least national added value for everyone involved.

While we have now been working for the last 2 years to gather the necessary know-how and experience to be able to subject the components of our "Transcendence" rocket to tests in order to plan the launch within a very short time, we need your support now.

Why would you support this project?

  • We offer young, ambitious people the opportunity to deepen their theoretical experience in practice in an interdisciplinary environment and to acquire new skills. Be it in our technical teams, in marketing or project management.
  • We form a decisive, not yet existing bridge between science and economy and support our region to become more sustainable and even more competent.
  • We are increasing the attractiveness of our Space City for companies and international students
  • It is the first step towards increased competitiveness
  • Help STEM Students and Women to build the necessary field Experience
  • Write history with us

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

  • Once we have reached the starting level of €25,000, we will be able to carry out a second "drop test" to test our recovery system, with which our "Transcendence" rocket will later return to the ground intact will come to perform. It also allows us to perform a wind tunnel test to experimentally test the aerodynamic properties to verify our simulations.
  • For a further €25,000 we can on the one hand finance a start on a smaller scale, which we will carry out in the "EUROC" competition in October 2023, and on the other hand we can test our drive extensively.

Transcendence Start:
If the campaign really motivates you, with a further donation of €150,000 we would be able to use all our successful tests to launch our rocket.

So that we can bring this prestige record to Germany, we need a total of around €200,000.

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project is the Bremen student association ASTRA e.V., which currently has around 70 members, of which more than 60 are active in the technical teams and 10 in project management on a voluntary basis alongside their studies.

We come from a wide variety of areas in which we can gain practical experience within the association:

  • STEM
  • Psychology
  • Law
  • Business Administration
  • and much more


What are the sustainable development goals of this project?

Primary sustainable development goal


Why does this project contribute to this goal?

We offer ambitious students the opportunity...

  1. Participate in high quality academic work
  2. Build leadership skills
  3. Develop communication skills
  4. Communicate ideas and give and take critical feedback
  5. Build networks
  6. to strengthen the regional reputation
  7. Working with people from diverse nationalities and backgrounds
Legal notice
Astra e.V.
c/o Jesaiah Coy
Hohentorsheerstraße 76
28199 Bremen Deutschland

4/26/23 - .


4/20/23 - (Englisch Version below) Hey, wir sind schon...

(Englisch Version below)


wir sind schon mit ~5000€ in der Lage unseren Antrieb zu testen. Wir haben entsprechend das Finanzierungsziel angepasst :)

Deine ASTRAnauten


we are able to test our propulsion system for ~5000€. Therefore we adjusted our anticipated first goal :)

Your ASTRAnauts


Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven

Das Starthaus Bremen & Bremerhaven ist die erste Anlaufstelle in Bremen, wenn du dich selbstständig machen möchtest oder ein Projekt planst. Beim Starthaus erhältst du Zugang zu Coaching, Finanzierung, Netzwerk und viele mehr.

Digital Hub Industry (DHI)

Das Digital Hub Industry ist dein Ort an der Universität, an dem du in den Austausch mit Wissenschaftsnahen Instituten und Unternehmen kommst. Du kannst Raum nutzen, um zu arbeiten, aber auch um Events zu veranstalten.

Creative Hub - Visionskultur

Bremens Kreativ- und Innovationszentrum.
Ein Zuhause für über 300 Projekte. Der Ort für Vernetzung und Austausch.

Bremens first rocket launch
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