Crowdfunding since 2010

Altes Wissen in den Alltag bringen: Unterstützen Sie Ayurtea auf seiner Reise, um Ihr Teerlebnis zu erweitern und zu bereichern.

Schließen Sie sich uns an, um die Teelandschaft auf traditionelle Weise neu zu gestalten. Wir sind auf einer Mission, jede Tasse mit der zeitlosen Weisheit des Ayurveda und traditionellem Kräuterwissen zu durchdringen. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf diese geschmackvolle Reise gehen, bei der jeder Schluck eine Geschichte von Nachhaltigkeit, Reinheit und Verjüngung erzählt. Tragen Sie heute bei und werden Sie Teil der Neudefinition von Tee, Schluck für Schluck.
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Funding period
5/28/24 - 8/15/24
Autumn 2024
Website & Social Media
Funding goal: 12,000 €

Mit Ihrer Unterstützung werden wir in der Lage sein, die nächste Charge Tee zu bestellen und die Kosten für Produktion, Verpackung und Transport zu decken.

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What is this project all about?

Ayurtea is about blending tradition with modern convenience. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, our premium tea blends aim to seamlessly integrate traditional knowledge into the fast-paced routines of contemporary life.

Crafted with care, our teas embody purity and quality, featuring 100% natural ingredients without any preservatives or artificial flavors. With Ayurtea, enjoy a worry-free tea experience that not only delights the senses but also nurtures the body and soul.

Ayurtea Tea-folio currently consists of 6 varieties. Refresh Tea, Relaxation Tea, Women's Harmony Tea, Golden Tea, Energy Booster Tea and Camomile Green Mint Tea.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

German tea market is flooded with low quality, dust tea, filled in dip bags. Ayurtea is an alternative to it, blended with selected premium quality ingredients based on Ayurvedic wisdom. Our goal is to serve the right tea to the tea lovers.

Ayurtea was born out of a simple, sincere desire to bring the power of traditional knowledge into the everyday lives of people like us. We wanted to make this wisdom easily accessible, wrapped in the comfort of a tea bag, just as we had in our childhood.

Why would you support this project?

Ayurtea comes with ingredients which are never found in infusion teas. Whether it is Shatavari or Ashoka Bark or Ashwagandha or Lodhra Bark or Tulsi, all these ingredients are selected to make a difference. Whether you need a Refreshing Mornings or an afternoon Energy Boost or an evening Relaxation, we got you covered.

We prioritize sustainability by sourcing our ingredients from small-scale farmers and packaging them in biodegradable pyramid tea bags.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

After an overwhelming response from our initial customers, we would like to order new stocks and add a couple of new tea varieties to our Tea-folio. The money will cover the cost of tea ingredients, packaging, transportation and storage.
If we get more money, that will really help us to improve our online store, click some beautiful pictures and shoot amazing tea videos.

Who are the people behind the project?

We are a team of 2.

Myself Dr. Rahul Raj, an agricultural scientist with many years of research experience in Spices and Ayurvedic Herbs. My big dream? To nurture a thriving forest of potent medicinal flora, a sanctuary for nature's remedies. Visit my LinkedIn profile

My partner Dr. Prerna Arora is a virologist by profession but her true passion lies in the world of culinary delights. Her big dream? To inspire a healthier, more vibrant way of life for all by embracing the timeless wisdom of tradition.

Legal notice
Ayurtea UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
Rahul Pathinettil Raj
Resedaweg 8
37077 Göttingen Deutschland
USt-IdNr.: DE363837497

7/11/24 - Leider läuft die Kampagne nur langsam an, und...

Leider läuft die Kampagne nur langsam an, und wir brauchen Zeit, um mehr Menschen zu erreichen. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.

Tee neu definiert - traditionell
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