Our quartet Bazga, with Evgeny Ring on saxophone, Hans Arnold on drums, Jort Terwijn on doublebass and Uli Weber on guitar, is planning the release of our first album. Beginning of july we hit the Studio Loft in cologne to record the music, but thats only the beginning. We want to publish our album and make it avaliable to people. The production of an album as we are planning to realise is very expensive and beyond our financial possibilities. That's why we turn to you, the crowdfunding community, to people who might support our goal of making an album.
Our goal is the financial realisation of our album. The targetgroup for our project consists of people that appreciate handmade, spontaneious, "living in the moment" music.
Crossing genres, we would like to convince admirers of musical interaction, challenging pieces and energetic performers of our goal.
You help us in realising our dream of the first "grown up" album in full length! After our developement as a band releasing two EP's and playing many concerts together, we would like to give you the possibility to experience and enjoy the broadminded musical identity of Bazga on a full length album.
An album filled with energetic songs, in which tranquility, tension, a fine sense of melodic deepness and radical outburst find themselves united.
The money will be used to cover up for the expenses made during the creating process of the album, for mixing, mastering, artwork, pressing and PR.
Behind this project are Evgeny, Hans, Jort and Uli and our musical personality in Bazga.