Crowdfunding since 2010
16 pieces for piano, cello and bass clarinette are now ready, just waiting to be recorded. With your support this can work! Together, let’s make it happen and you will soon be able to get your hands on my new album, Phoenix.
Funding period
6/23/15 - 8/31/15
Record Release Konzert 27.2.16
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,900 €
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What is this project all about?

The project is about producing my new album: Phoenix.

On the album, you will above all hear a piano, three cellos and my bass clarinette. I want my music to spark melodious fairytales, like a picture book of sounds. It is made to give you the courage to believe in your dreams and go through life with faith, to dance above the skies and reach for the stars - even if some day they will burn out and fall from the sky. In the end, the Phoenix rises from the ashes.

On Soundcloud, you can already listen to a preview:

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

The goal of the project is that you can have my new album in the hands by early 2016!
The money collected will cover the studio and CD production costs. By contributing to this project you are however doing much more than that. Indeed, the new album will also make it possible for me to play for you at concerts in beautiful places all over the world!

This project is for people who, like me, go through life searching, with open eyes – and ears! – and who enjoy being touched and inspired.

Why would you support this project?

Because you like my music and would like to get the new album.
Because you would like to get one of the great rewards.
Because you want to be part of something beautiful.
Because music is important for you.
Because you would like to support an original contemporary music project.
Simply because you want to support me.
Because you are touched.
Because I am touched.

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

If the goal of 5,900 euros is reached, I will use the money to pay for the recording, press the CDs and promote the album.
I work without financial help from a record company and bear all the costs myself. Each cent from you will go directly to producing the album!

It is important for me to be open and to say that this album does not rely solely on the success of this crowdfunding. With your backing of the project, however, my team and I will have much more freedom and much better financial predictability.

Who are the people behind the project?

Behind the project there is me, Beatrix Becker, and many others who for years have followed, trusted and helped me in various ways.

I want to write touching music for you and I am myself touched by you. Life is the storyline. I want my music to accompany it and be the soundtrack of life.
I have been doing that my whole life. It started when I was four years old and sat on the swing and “sung” everything I saw around me.

Today, my piano and my clarinettes are my voice. I have never been able to choose one of them as my favourite instrument, so in my new pieces, you will hear them both. The piano offers so much depth and complexity that I can be wild and loud and powerful, but also tender and silent. The clarinette is soulful. “Your breath is your soul”, my mentor Giora Feidman always says, and I could not agree more! He told me to open up, to let loose, and to let go. To master an intrument is nothing, to touch the heart by playing an instrument, that is truly admirable. I am deeply indebted to Giora, whose next album will feature one of my pieces.

In autumn, I will travel to several exciting places to hold concerts. I will do a gig in New York with my project “Berlin meets Brooklyn”, followed by concerts in Munich, Berlin and London and a tour in Switzerland. This will certainly give me input for more composing, but first the Phoenix shall learn to fly!

Beatrix Becker


Vineshop 24

Vineshop 24 ist mein Online-Weinhändler, der mir den argentinischen Rotwein "Trapiche Malbec" besorgt. Das ist mein absoluter Lieblingswein, über den ich sogar ein Stück komponiert habe, das auf der neuen CD PHOENIX erscheinen wird!

Carolina Simm

"Der Stil von CAROLINA SIMM ist einzigartig. Er verbindet klassische Ansätze mit modernen Elementen. So verbindet sich Eleganz mit extravagantem Auftreten, das dennoch immer dezent bleibt."
Ich freue mich riesig, diese wundervolle Künstlerin als Partnerin für meine Musik gewonnen zu haben!


"Hearttosee ist eine Fotoreihe, die den Augenblick festhält, in dem zufällig Herzen sichtbar werden, oft durch die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Natur. Alle Herzen sind Momentaufnahmen, die uns erinnern können an die Liebe, die uns umgibt, wir brauchen nur unsere Augen dafür zu öffnen."

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Das neue Album von Beatrix Becker - PHOENIX-CD-Produktion
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