Crowdfunding since 2010

After almost 3 years, we will finally produce our debut album. You've had to wait a while but we really appreciate your support.

Our debut album is ready to go and we need your support with financing the production. It’s nice that you made your way here to our crowdfunding campaign - we want to give you an insight of what this is all about.
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Funding period
2/1/17 - 3/12/17
Summer 2017
Website & Social Media
Minimum amount (Start level): €
5,000 €
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What is this project all about?

We will start the recording for our first album in March. Together with Elvis Schulze, we will go to the newly built Music2Record Studios near Wolfsburg. We will fill it with music, sweat and madness for 14 days. In the end, there will be 11 tracks which you can then listen to wherever and as often as you want.

The recording is one thing, but after that there is a long and expensive journey when it comes to the production. Mastering, marketing and the physical production of the CDs and vinyls are just some of the things that need to be done. This, however, is the part that we want to cover with the crowdfunding campaign, to make the record visible, tangible and audible.

This project isn’t just the wish of creating our own album from great days on tour with free drinks and long nights. It’s also our wish to show you something that characterizes our development over the last 3 years and to somehow give something back for what you gave us in this time.

What is the project goal and who is the project for?

You are our target group. We would love to reach the goal of 5000€ for the upcoming production, along with you, and all those who can find a little something for themselves in our music. We would be very happy if you share this project with anyone you believe might be interested in supporting us.

We’ve been working for a long time to finally show you what defines us as a band. And we are looking forward to present you the result in the shape of an album, together with live shows, music videos and the incentives on here.

Why would you support this project?

We’ve been writing music for almost 3 years now as Berlin Syndrome and have played a lot of shows since the beginning. Thats how we found our style. The EP ‚All For The Good’ is probably covered in dust on some shelves and, to be honest…that means it’s time for something new, right? This can only happen with your support, because we as a young band can not cover all the costs in advance. Every contribution helps and we are very thankful for any support you provide.

Everyone who contributes will have their name as a thank you within the album sleeve notes!

How will we use the money if the project is successfully funded?

We will cover the costs for the production of the mixed and mastered tracks for CDs and vinyl from this sum. To help the record reach as many people as possible, we also want to put some effort into proper promotion to spread it to the world a little bit more. If we can save a few Euros in the end, we will probably donate them to an alpaca farm. ;)

Who are the people behind the project?

Berlin Syndrome are Graeme Salt, Robert Meinel, Marcel Behrens, Mathias Wagner and Marvin Alexander Jimenez Mairena. We founded the band in Magdeburg. After getting together in 2014 we won a local music competition, for which we wrote our very first songs. The prize was an EP production which helped in many ways on our, so far, short journey as a band. After these three years and lots of experiences, we think we may have found what could currently be the Berlin Syndrome. Let us put it on a record and discover it together!

Berlin Syndrome

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